Good Day Monticello High School Students & Families!
Students at Monticello High School are succeeding more than ever before with record high graduation and passing rates. We believe in the greatness within each of our students and are committed to helping every student achieve their very best on their path to earning their high school diploma. We will be focusing on helping all of our students graduate not just test ready but Life Ready. To do this, we encourage each student to accept and embrace the many opportunities they have at MHS to be successful.We welcome your involvement as we have all been positively influenced by the support of many.
This school year we will continue our Student Internship Program. Students who are academically eligible and have their working papers may apply for paid internships at the high school. Our program has been a spectacular success and we look forward to growing it. Internships are a great way to learn work readiness skills while contributing to the school community. Be sure to check out the opportunities in the main office and in guidance!
Speaking of academic eligibility, please be sure to know and understand our district policy. We are providing more opportunities for students to become eligible while also increasing accountability for their
academic success. Our students participating in athletics are student-athletes with the term student coming first. Students participating in our extra-curricular programs are also students first. Students are capable of, and expected to, meet their course requirements and keep up with their responsibilities. We have multiple supports available to support their academic success both during and after school. Reach out to your child’s guidance counselor if you have any questions.
We continue to improve our safety and security measures to ensure our students are safe. Suspensions and significant incidents are at an all-time low at MHS. We will continue our efforts to ensure MHS is “No Place for Hate” and where students feel loved, valued, successful, and safe. Please note that at school arrival times, students will enter through the doorways to the left of the main entrance or at the gymnasium/auditorium entrance. After the arrival times, students will enter through the main entrance only. We need students in school and on time for them to get the maximum benefit of their educational program. Attendance matters every period, every day!
Lastly, this is the year that many young men and women will graduate and move on to exciting new opportunities with futures to be shaped. Make smart decisions, have fun, and be kind to others. Your life, and the lives of others, are too important for careless mistakes. Make it a great year and be your best self!
Most Sincerely,
Stephen Wilder
Twitter: @MontiHS_Pride