The New York State Education Department (NYSED) named Monticello High School students Mark Bellamy and Carl Allen as members of the third class of My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) Fellows. MBK Fellows are identified as leaders in their MBK Communities and as part of the distinction, receive mentor relationship opportunities in government, education and business.
“This year’s class of My Brother’s Keeper Fellows are joining the program during a significant time in our country’s history,” said Board of Regents Chancellor Betty A. Rosa in a press release from NYSED. “The COVID-19 pandemic has revealed the inequities that run throughout our education system. The Board of Regents and I are committed to ensuring that all children have access to high-quality learning opportunities and each of these young men will come away from the program with a unique perspective and the leadership skills to help address these issues head on.”
Each Fellow will be partnered with a mentor from a NYSMBK Community Network partner and be given the opportunity of a fellowship with one of NYSED’s partners. They will also be required to develop and execute a service project related to a NYSMBK initiative such as:
- Ensuring equitable access to high-quality schools and programs;
- Expanding prevention, early warning and intervention services;
- Responding to structural and institutional racism; or
- Engaging families and communities in a trusted and respectful way.
In addition, Fellows will serve on a statewide MBK Fellows Workgroup to provide valuable input on the development and implementation of a statewide MBK Mentoring Network.

The Monticello MBK program was eligible to apply to the Fellows program because of its status as a MBK Community Network, which consists of a partnership between the Office of the Mayor and the School District’s Superintendent. Monticello’s MBK program was the 25th chapter in the state to become a MBK Community Network in October of 2019.
2020 Fellows have had the opportunity to participate in the Stand and Deliver Retreat, The Village Meeting: “Needs, Deeds, and Impact during COVID-19” and a virtual Induction: “MBK Fellows Advice to Action.” Additionally, each 2020 Fellow, mentor and administrator participated via conference call in a virtual mastermind study on the book, Madd Truth by Dr. Alphonso Wyatt with Dr. Don Applyrs, Director of Family and Community Engagement.
“We are very proud of Mark and Carl for attaining this honor and excited to see how they’ll use this experience to improve our community through their service project,” Executive Director of Special, Summer and After-School Programs Dana Taylor said.
MBK Coordinator, Rachel Blount, echoes the sentiment, “These young men will learn, grow and become true advocates for change under the guidance of their mentors and the local chapter of the NAACP.”
“I’m grateful to be presented the honor of being a Fellow because it offers both help and connection building to great men in society,” Mark Bellamy said. “I plan to use the opportunity to help prepare myself for the future and the progression of my goals.”
For more information about the MBK program at Monticello, visit our MBK webpage