Emma C. Chase Elementary School’s backpack program has enough cereal to last through April, thanks to the generosity of the Chase community. Throughout the month of December, classes competed to see who could donate the most boxes of cereal. Just before the break, the entire school gathered in the gymnasium to hear Library Media Specialist Ms. Andersen announce the winner (Ms. Ratchitoff’s class), and to see all the donated cereal boxes arranged as dominos. The students cheered as Ms. Andersen set the “dominos” in motion, ultimately knocking down the single box left standing.

A big “thank you” to Ms. Ramos’ class, who collected all the boxes of cereal.
The backpack program, which is run at each MCSD school, provides students at risk for hunger with a backpack filled with food to sustain them over the weekend. Food donations are always accepted, either at home sports games or through the school’s coordinator. To see the list of coordinators and see what foods are most needed, visit this webpage.
Watch the dominos in action: