Adult service providers encompass a wide range of non-profit and State agencies, programs and services. The process of applying for adult services should begin in high school if not sooner, to ensure a smooth transition to adulthood and the continuation of needed supports. Below are some of the main providers of services for individuals with disabilities.
Adult Career and Continuing Education Services-Vocational Rehabilitation (ACCES-VR)
Assists individuals with disabilities to achieve employment. Students apply when expected to exit school within two years. The individual should be motivated and ready to participate in training or other intensive efforts that will lead to work. Contact ACCES-VR: 845.794.5317NYS The NYS Commission for the Blind provides vocational rehabilitation and other direct services to New York State residents who are legally blind. 845-567-1054
Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
Is a federal assistance program designed to provide income to aged, blind, or people with disabilities who have limited assets with which to support themselves. Eligibility of potential claimants is evaluated based on income and resources. Many young adults with disabilities qualify for SSI at age 18, if not before and can apply or reapply 2-3 months before turning age 18. If eligible, the person will automatically be enrolled in the Medical Assistance (Medicaid) Program within a few months. Social Security Work Incentives: Lets a person use their own income or assets to help reach work goals without losing 551 benefits. These include: A Plan for Achieving Self-Support (PASS), Impairment-Related Work Expenses (IRWE), and Ticket to Work visit or Contact: 845-794-1293
NY State Office for People With Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD)
Coordinates and provides a wide range of services for people with disabilities such as Intellectual/Developmental Disability, Neurological Impairment, Seizure Disorder, Cerebral Palsy or Autism, which are needed to live a meaningful life. Contacting a local Developmental Disabilities Regional Office (DDRO) is a person’s first step toward receiving the services he/she may want or need. Visit or Contact: Hudson Valley DDRO-Region3 845-947-6100
County Department of Social Services (DSS)
Provides or administers the full range of publicly funded social services and cash assistance programs such as temporary assistance, Medicaid, emergency housing etc. CD PAP (Consumer Directed Personal Assistance Program) if individual has medical needs or needs a personal aid for activities of daily living, SNAP (Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program-Food Stamps), HEAP (Home Energy Assistance Program). Contact: 845-292-0100- Dial 8 then Ext. 2278
Independent Living Centers
Are organizations providing an array of services that assist people with disabilities to live integrated and self-directed lives such as information & referral, special education/systems advocacy, service coordination, benefits advisement, independent living skills instruction, support groups, accessibility consultation, and disability awareness training. At age 18 decisions need to be made as to whether an individual with disabilities can manage all or part of his/her affairs. Parents need to be officially appointed through a legal process, to remain their child’s guardian. Contact: Independent living Inc. /Monticello Office 845-794-3322 or Action Toward Independence 845-794-3322
Transition to Adult Health Care
It can be a struggle to find adult doctors who know how to care for childhood-onset conditions and disabilities. Adult Medicaid may limit the extent of services. Visit or Contact Sullivan County Public Health Services: 845-292-0100
Postsecondary Education/Continued Learning
Learning experiences for all individuals should be life long. Transition planning
considerations can include options for: adult & continuing education courses, training for hobbies or employment, trade/technical/business schools, two and four year college/university degrees, or military/armed forces. College bound students should contact the institution’s Office of Disability Services if seeking academic accommodations. For new inclusive postsecondary education programs for students with intellectual and other developmental disabilities visit