The Kiwanis Club of Monticello recently delivered chapter books to the thirteen second grade classes at the George L. Cooke Elementary School in Monticello just before summer break begins.
The books were selected by Kiwanian Doris Motl, who is a retired 4th grade teacher. Accompanying Ms. Motl to the classrooms was Jane Sorensen, who is a Kiwanis member as well as Family Engagement Program Manager for EPIC (Every Person Influences Children). Some classrooms had students in the room and others had students on zoom.
Teacher Ms. Barbara Bitjeman stated “A big thank you to Kiwanis Club for their continued tradition of bringing new chapter books to our Second Graders. It is such an important and endearing gift to enhance the joys of reading”.
The students were very courteous and expressed their appreciation for the gift of reading material and they were especially thrilled that they were chapter books. They were also very interested to learn more about the Kiwanis Club and the many ways they help the children in the community, i.e. the Sweet Dreams Program assisting children going into Foster Care with comforting items, holiday gifts for children in need, scholarships for high school seniors, and they were also impressed with the service leadership clubs Kiwanis sponsors in the Middle School and High School.
The mission of Kiwanis is dedication to improving the world one child and one community at a time. For more information about the Monticello Kiwanis Club, contact President Marvin Rappaport at 845 -701-1655.