COVID-19 Testing
COVID-19 testing of Monticello CSD staff and contractors began on October 25, 2021. All staff and contracted service providers must be tested weekly unless they provide proof of vaccination. Vaccinated staff can still opt for testing.
Once staff testing is established, we will begin to offer weekly COVID-19 testing to any interested student. Parents and guardians will need to authorize any COVID-19 testing of their children.
The tests and analyses are free to the district through a grant with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. We expect the results to be provided approximately 48 hours after the test.

School Improvement Plans, 2021–22
Each MCSD school has developed and adopted an improvement plan for 2021–22. These plans were devised by each school’s building leadership team, which consists of various staff members and parents. The plans include school-specific strategies to improve upon the district’s priorities for 2021–22:
- Targeted social emotional learning supports for students
- Increased training on diversity, equity, and inclusivity
- Enhanced family engagement opportunities
- Improved inquiry-based instruction and academic interventions
These strategies are important because they will inform programs and professional development. We will periodically measure progress towards them throughout the year.
The school improvement plans and the district comprehensive improvement plan can be accessed by clicking here.
Capital Project
Electricity was recently installed in the new transportation center. This facility will house our transportation and facilities departments. Hard-wired electricity will allow contractors to finish heating, ventilation, air conditioning, and equipment installations in the new center. We anticipate our departments to move into the new facility before the end of 2021.
Renovations at Monticello High School continue to progress. Presently, significant work is being done to the façade on the inner-courtyard. This includes exterior panel and wall installations, as well as the construction of outdoor learning spaces. Roofers are also working to install a new roof for the entire 100/200 wing. Our architects and construction managers anticipate the new wing to be open by April 2022.
Community Engagement and Communications
The final fall session of “Another Cup of Coffee,” will be on October 29 at 7 a.m. at St. John Street School. I have enjoyed meeting with scores of parents and staff to listen to their impressions of the district. While the comments have been mostly positive, I appreciate the critical feedback, as well, so we can adjust and better meet the needs of our stakeholders.
At every session, I’ve encouraged interested parents to contact their school’s principals on ways they can be more involved in school-level decision making. All of our schools have functioning committees to improve programs.
I will be planning future sessions for the winter and spring. Please check the website in November for the dates of these next sessions.
Our People
This month, we recognized three groups of staff and leaders at Monticello for their dedication and excellence.
National School Bus Safety Week
Oct. 18-22 was National School Bus Safety Week. Our bus drivers, monitors, dispatchers, mechanics, office staff and transportation department leadership work diligently to make sure our students are transported safely to and from our schools, daily.
They’re the first people our students see in the morning and the last people they see when they go home at the end of the day. They’re driving up mountains and down village streets at 3:30 a.m. in the winter to see if the roads will be safe for school to open. They’re doing the repairs and maintenance that keep 63 vehicles that drive 2,500 each day running. They’re delivering meals to students when schools need to pivot to remote learning.
This year’s National Bus Safety Week theme is “Know the Danger Zone.” While our transportation staff members work diligently to keep our students safe, our community’s cooperation is essential. Learn more about bus safety.
School Board Recognition Week
Oct. 18-22 was also School Board Recognition Week. The men and women of our Board of Education (including our two newly-appointed student members) volunteer their time in service to our community as they strive for excellence, improvement and respond to the educational needs of our community.
The key work of school boards is to raise student achievement by:
- Creating a shared vision for the future of education
- Setting the direction of the school district to achieve the highest student performance
- Providing accountability for student achievement results
- Developing a budget that aligns district resources to improve achievement
- Supporting a healthy school district culture in which to work and to learn
- And much more!
National Principals Month
October is National Principals Month. Mr. Frandino, Ms. Gallet, Ms. Knowlton, Mr. Palmer, and Mr. Wilder have given immeasurable hours to make sure our schools are safe and functioning for our students and staff. We are incredibly grateful for their hard work and leadership.