Join us in congratulating the Monticello Trap Team, who earned first place in their conference, competing against schools throughout the state in the New York State High School Clay Target League. As the season closed, a number of team members received accolades and recognition.
Five members of the team hit 25 out of 25 in a round and were celebrated with an invitation to join the “25 Club.” The newest members of the club are:
Luke Baum
Michael Feltman
Jake Hovis
William Reilly
Ryan Weiner

Coaches Award:
William Reilly

Highest Team Average:
Michael Feltman, 23.1

Highest Female Average:
Kaitlyn Miller, 21.28

Most Improved:
Christopher Brush
Jack Rielly

The team also recognized its graduating seniors:

11 members of the team will head up to Syracuse for the state tournament on June 27.
Join us in wishing the competitors the best of luck:
Luke Baum
Logan Brundage
Alex Decker
Michael Feltman
Caleb Hovis
Jake Hovis
Chase McFarland
Holly McFarland
Leo Messenger
William Reilly
Aiden Siegel