Article courtesy of Sheila Lashinsky, Monticello Kiwanis Public Relations Committee Chairperson
Mr. Steven Raabe, outgoing Faculty Advisor to the Monticello High School Key Club, was recently recognized for his eight years of dedicated leadership to the Key Club, which is a service leadership program sponsored by the Monticello Kiwanis Club. Kiwanis Club President Marvin Rappaport presented Mr. Raabe with a plaque thanking him for his many years of dedication and commitment in providing leadership training to Monticello High School students.
Under Mr. Raabe’s supervision, Key Club members participated in many community service projects, including: food collection and holiday gifts for needy families, donating items to the SPCA in Rock Hill, ringing the bell for the Salvation Army, visiting and entertaining residents at local nursing homes, participating in litter plucks, raising money for the WSUL Heart-A-Thon, assisting at Kiwanis Roast Beef Dinners and at the Community Thanksgiving Dinner, and sending greeting cards to veterans.

Mr. Rappaport stated “We thank Mr. Raabe for the wonderful job he has done as a role model and coach to so many students during his tenure as Key Club Faculty Advisor.”
Kiwanis is a service organization of local volunteers dedicated to improving the world one child and one community at a time. For further information visit Monticello NY Kiwanis Club Facebook Page.