Nov. 8 – 12 is National School Psychology Week. Please join us in celebrating our school psychologists who help our students navigate mental health challenges, support social and emotional growth, and thrive.

This year’s theme is: “Let’s Get in GEAR.”
(Grow, Engage, Advocate, Rise).
According to the National Association of School Psychologists,
“The theme’s acronym provides a challenge to grow both personally and professionally. It encourages us to engage in best practices and advocate for children’s access to mental health and learning supports. To rise implies resilience and renewal despite the challenges of the past. This has a particular resonance this year as we work to help students, families, and school staff emerge from the challenges of the past year and a half. When we get in gear, we move together. When one gear moves, the gears connected to it move as well. When we move together there is a positive synergy that builds and becomes greater than any single effort.”
This week, and every week the Monticello Central School District appreciates the hard work and dedication of our school psychologists.