By Hannah Kaplan
Academy of Finance student

The Academy of Finance welcomed guest speaker Juliette McKerrell, vice president and commercial loan officer at Wayne Bank in Monticello, on Sept. 28. Ms. McKerrell spoke to the Sports Entertainment and Marketing class about the importance attire makes in the business world. She explained to the students that when interviewing for a job, attire and appearance give the first impression even before you speak. With proper attire, you look more professional, which will help you land a business deal, leave a lasting impression at an interview, and help get you closer to achieving your goals.
Ms. McKerrell also discussed the challenges faced by newcomers in the work force. That is why she stressed to the students the importance of preparing mentally for an interview. It is also important to physically prepare for an interview, she said, including not fidgeting, or slouching. Eye contact with the interviewer is a simple way to impress people in the business world.
The Academy of Finance students thank Ms. McKerrell for helping them understand that it is not only our qualifications and what we say during an interview that counts, but our appearance and demeanor as well. Her words of wisdom have left a lasting impression on the students.