It’s been said many times that it takes a village to raise a child – but it’s rare to hear how many folks it takes to keep a village running. From those who help fight crime, to those who keep our power on, to those who help nurse us to health after an accident, many people and organizations play a critical role in any community. Students at Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School had the chance to meet some of these folks during the school’s second-annual Big Truck Day on Wednesday, Oct. 16.
Representatives from a host of local agencies not only brought their trucks to KLR, but also proudly displayed all their respective bells and whistles. Sirens wailed, lights flashed, bulldozer blades pushed, cherry pickers ascended and children giggled as they moved from truck to truck.
The following local agencies (and their vehicles) participated in this year’s Big Truck Day:
- New York State Police
- Combined Energy Service
- Sullivan County Highway Department
- New York State Electric and Gas Company (NYSEG)
- Monticello Mobile Medic
- Sullivan County Sherrif’s Office
- Monticello Police Department
- Monticello Central School District’s Transportation Department
- Monticello Fire Department
- United States Postal Service

“Having the opportunity to meet some of the people who help keep Monticello safe and running is a great experience for our children,” KLR Principal Michelle Knowlton said. “It gets them thinking about careers they might be interested in in the future, and also helps them to know that they’re surrounded by a community that cares. We’re so grateful to all of the agencies who took time out of their busy schedules to visit us today.”
See more photos from Big Truck Day