Monticello Central School District 2025/26 Kindergarten Registration will take place on the following dates, and your child must accompany you to register:
- Chase students: at the Emma Chase Elementary School on March 28
- Cooke students: at 22 St. John Street on March 24, 25, 26.
Please call (845) 794-7700, x 78905 to set up an appointment to register. If you are unsure of your homeschool, registration will confirm when you set up your appointment.
Spanish speaking families please call 794-7700, x78905 and we will call you back with a translator.
Your child must turn 5 on or before 12/1/2025.
Students already attending MCSD Pre-K do not need to register for Kindergarten. Information will be sent home with current Pre-K students.
For more information about registration, including documentation to bring, and pre-registration, visit our registration page.