Monticello Central School District 2024/25 Kindergarten Registration will take place on the following dates, and your child must accompany you to register:
- Chase students: at the Emma Chase Elementary School on March 25
- Cooke students: at 22 St. John Street on March 20, 21, 22.
Please call (845) 794-7700, x 78905 to set up an appointment to register. If you are unsure of your homeschool, registration will confirm when you set up your appointment.
Spanish Speaking families please contact Alex Perez for information at X40985
Your child must turn 5 on or before 12/1/2024.
Students already attending MCSD Pre-K do not need to register for Kindergarten. Information will be sent home with current Pre-K students.
For more information about registration, including documentation to bring, and pre-registration, visit our registration page.