Cafeteria Expectations
We expect that students will follow these rules:
- Remain seated while eating lunch.
- Clean up your space and/or table.
- All food is to be eaten in the cafeteria.
- No throwing of food.
- No visiting with children at other tables.
Dress Code
Students generally conduct themselves in a manner similar to the way in which they dress and groom. Any type of dress or grooming which is disruptive will not be permitted. The school assumes that parents will use good judgement with regard to proper school dress. Halter-tops, midriff blouses or shirts with spaghetti straps are not considered acceptable attire.
Shirts or any clothing with inappropriate slogans, ethnic or racial slurs or the advertising of alcohol or cigarettes or substances, which are inappropriate for children, are not permitted. In warmer weather students may wear shorts to school. Baggy pants and the exposure of the underwear or the midsection of the body are not appropriate and will not be permitted. Short shorts are not acceptable. Sneakers must be worn for Physical Education Classes. Flip-flops are not recommended footwear for school.
Playground/Recess Rules
- Climbing activities are restricted to designated climbing stations on the play equipment.
- Running activities are restricted to the designated areas.
- Running, chasing and tagging are not allowed on and/or near the play areas, swings or blacktop.
- Students are expected to keep hands and feet to themselves.
- Kicking, pushing, tripping, karate movements, stone and/or equipment throwing and play fighting are not permissible.
- Students are expected to show respect to one another and to the playground monitors. Use of obscene/foul language, talking back and/or name-calling is prohibited.
- Students must remain on the playground until the end of recess. At the end of recess all school equipment must be returned to its designated areas.
- Students who violate playground rules will be assigned time-out, recess detention or in serious matters, suspension from school.
Student Expectations
- Come to school ready to work.
- Finish your school work.
- Respect yourself and others.
- Wait your turn to speak in class
Toys, Games and Personal Items
Walkman, video games and other electronic equipment or toys are not allowed in school. These toys will be secured and a parent will have to claim them from the office.