A message from Superintendent Evans:
Dear Monticello CSD Community Member,
I hope this letter finds you healthy and well.
As of today, the district has three (3) emergency closure days remaining for this school year. Should these remaining three days be used for emergency closures or “snow days,” we will switch schools to remote instruction on any emergency closure day thereafter.
In previous years, if we went over our emergency day allotment, we would be forced to “take back” days from our holiday breaks to make up the difference. We recognize that families and individuals might be planning trips or events for the scheduled holidays, and by pivoting to remote instruction rather than closing schools, we will have no last-minute changes to the school’s academic calendar.
Therefore, regardless of any additional snow days, there will be no school during spring recess (April 14 through April 18), as planned.
Should we have any emergency closure days remaining, they will be given back as days off in the following order:
Three days remaining: April 21, May 23, and May 27
Two days remaining: May 23 and May 27
One day remaining: May 23
We will make additional announcements should any of these days be given back as days off.
Should you have any questions regarding this, please contact your school’s office.
Stay well.
With Monti Pride,
Matthew T. Evans, Ed. D.
Superintendent of Schools