A message from the class of 2021:
“This may not be the senior year we envisioned but we are proud we made it this far. We don’t know what the year has in store for us and what we may be able to do as a class but with your support we hope to be ready for anything. If we end up not being able to plan end of the year events we hope the money we raise can help offset the costs seniors incur for caps and gowns. If we can plan events, we want to make sure we have money to make them happen. Wear this Class of 2021 gear with pride knowing you helped out our class. Thank you for your love and support.
The design for this gear was created by Roxanne Dastparvardeh and voted on by our senior class. Shout out to Roxanne for her lovely design!”
Purchase a class of 2021 t-shirt