Emma C. Chase holds annual Flag Day ceremony with help from local veterans

Emma C. Chase Elementary School held its annual Flag Day ceremony on July 14, with the help of some local veterans. Bill Pearson, commander of post 1266 of the American Legion, and Anthony Ferguson, Second Vice Commander of post 1266, led the students in the Pledge of Allegiance before briefly speaking about the importance of Flag Day, and announcing the winners of the Flag Day essay contest. Nine Chase students won a certificate for their essays, and three students won a medal. The students who won a medal read their essays aloud to their classmates at the podium. In their essays, the winning students explored themes such as patriotism, experiences with family serving the military, gratitude for living in a free nation and the sense of belonging that they’ve experienced as Americans.  

a group of students pose
Winners of the Flag Day essay contest

Mia Hubbert, who is a veteran of the Army and current choir director at St. Joseph’s parish led the students in the Star-Spangled Banner and You’re a Grand Old Flag. John Lacey, Sullivan County Commander for the American Legion, and American Legion members Al Ceriale, Ed Seeley and Bob Owens also participated in the ceremony.  

Tony Ferguson addresses the students

The district is so grateful for the sacrifices of these brave men and women, and all of the veterans who have served our country.  

Each medal winner had the opportunity to read their essay to their classmates.

Congratulations to the essay winners: 

Gold medal: Ethan Mann

Silver medal: Olivia Cudjoe

Bronze medal: Charlaine Freeman

Certificate winners: 

Hunter Bulaga

Caitlin Belcher

Skylar Bricker

Jake DeGroat

Job Wilkens

Aubrianna Eichler 

Jamie Potts

Vivana Kelly 

Isabella Montag