Residents in the Monticello Central School District will consider a capital improvement project during the school budget vote on Tuesday, May 21 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. at all district polling locations. The proposed project improves safety and security at the George L. Cooke and Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary Schools, replaces the district’s deteriorating athletics facilities, and makes needed repairs and restorations at the St. John Street Community School and Monticello High School.
Please read on, and watch the below videos, to learn more about this proposed project, and please continue to check back frequently, as more information will be added in the weeks leading up to the budget vote. You may also join our Community Group through ParentSquare to receive new information about the capital project, and other district-related information of interest to residents by clicking here.
What does the capital improvement project include?
Corridor Storefronts and Classroom Improvements at the George L. Cooke Elementary School and Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School

Our three operating elementary schools still retain the same “storefront” window design as they did when initially constructed. These single-pane windows allow individuals in the corridor a full view of the interior of the classrooms and are no longer considered best practice in terms of safety in the event of a crisis. These windows are also single-pane, and are not shatter-proof.
The proposed capital improvement project would replace the storefront entrances at the George L. Cooke Elementary School and Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School with reinforced, fire-resistant classroom doors. In addition, each classroom would receive new flooring, ceilings with energy-efficient LED lighting, updated sinks and cabinetry and new storage casework. These changes will reinforce the security of our buildings, decrease our energy costs, and provide updated spaces for our teachers to create a positive learning environment for our students.
Similar improvements at the Emma C. Chase Elementary School were included in Task 4 of the capital improvement project approved by voters in 2018, and are scheduled to break ground in the summer of 2026.
Track and Football/Soccer Field Replacement at Ed Kennedy Field (Monticello High School), including:
Synthetic turf
Sports Lighting
1,000 Seat Grandstand
Press Box, Concession, Toilet and Locker Room Building
Baseball/Softball Field – Toilet/Concession Building (Middle-High School)
Walkway Construction
Monticello’s athletics facilities are in need of a significant overhaul in order to support student athletes, create a safe environment for spectators and players, and encourage community engagement.
Currently, our track and football field are only accessible by climbing down a steep hill. This hill can be challenging for individuals to navigate, limits emergency vehicle access and leaves our facilities susceptible to flooding and damage, with water run off pooling on our fields. There is no bathroom access, and inadequate storage space. Spectator seating is limited to a small set of bleachers on the top of the hill, forcing most visitors to haul foldable seating down the slope. This inadequate seating also limits the district’s ability to host graduation, homecoming, sectional meets and other similar community events on its fields. Parking can be challenging, and individuals who park in the overflow lot near the bus garage must walk in lot traffic to access the fields.
Patch repairs over the years have left our track and football/soccer field with uneven, worn-out surfaces, putting our athletes at a disadvantage when competing against athletes training in more optimal conditions.
(Click any image below to enlarge)
The proposed capital project would construct a brand-new, modernized, and safe facility on top of our existing footprint, including a 1,000-seat grandstand, press box, sports lighting, bathrooms and field house. Our track would expand from six lanes to eight lanes, and our football/soccer field would be refitted with synthetic turf. An access road for emergency vehicles would allow first responders easy entry onto our fields, and an accessible walkway would lead spectators from the parking lot to the grandstand. A second walkway would connect the lower parking lot (near the transportation center) to our gymnasium, enabling our students and spectators to safely access events.
For more blueprints and renderings of these new facilities, please review the architect’s report by clicking here.
Roof Coating and Façade Restoration (St. John Street Community School)
The St. John Street Community School is the district’s oldest building, and is currently home to the district’s preschool program. The building’s roof and façade has fallen into disrepair over the years, and the capital improvement project would address these pressing needs, enabling us to continue to provide our youngest learners a high-quality foundation for academic success in a well-maintained building.
New Concession Stand/Storage Shed at Softball Field
This project would also include the construction of a new concession stand and storage shed—including restrooms—at the softball field at Monticello High School. In addition to usage by our softball teams, these fields are also frequently used by community youth sports organizations. The site presently has an old concession stand, and temporary port-a-johns for spectator and participant use.
Partial Window Replacement (Monticello High School)
The windows in Monticello High School’s library are beyond their useful life. The proposed capital project would finance a partial window replacement in this room, allowing for improved energy efficiency and temperature control.
What is the cost of the capital improvement project?
The total cost of the proposed capital improvement project is $31.8 million.
Nearly half of the project will be financed by existing capital reserves totaling $14 million. Capital reserves are funds that are set aside by school districts to finance capital improvement projects. They are established with voter approval and can not be used for any other purpose than financing capital improvement projects. A $4 million reserve was established by voters in 2015, and a $10 million reserve was established by voters in 2019. These reserves must be utilized before they expire in 2025 and 2029, respectively.
The remaining $17.8 million will be funded with serial bonds and paid back over 15 years. The expected impact is approximately two cents per $1,000 in assessed property value. A property owner with a home assessed at $250,000 could expect to pay $6 per year to finance this project.
See the full financial breakdown by clicking here.
Watch a presentation from the district’s financial advisors:
Join us for a community meeting
The district will host opportunities for the community to learn more about the proposed capital project. Join our administrators at one of our upcoming informational events:
Thursday, May 2: Community Presentation and Walk-through
Join us on May 2 at 6 p.m. in the Monticello High School lower gym for a community presentation and walkthrough of our current athletic facilities. Please wear sturdy footwear!
Please continue to check back as new dates are added, or join our ParentSquare community group to receive updates to your inbox.
Please email the office of the superintendent ( with any questions about the proposed capital project.
How to vote:
The proposed capital improvement project will be on the ballot during the district’s annual budget vote on Tuesday, May 21 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. For more information on voting locations, voter registration, absentee ballots and more, please visit our budget webpage.