Budget 2024-25

Residents to consider budget and capital improvement project on May 21  

On May 21, residents of the Monticello Central School District will vote on a $100,277,426 proposed budget for the 2024-25 school year, elect three members to the Board of Education and consider a capital improvement project that would modernize the district’s deteriorating athletic facilities, secure classroom entrances at our elementary schools and make other necessary repairs at our buildings. 

district's logo and text 2024 capital improvement project
Click the image to learn more about our proposed capital improvement project that is also on the ballot on May 21.

Through careful reductions, district keeps tax levy below allowable cap  

The district’s initial rollover budget (a budget that preserves all existing expenditures, without adding any new ones) would have caused a year-to-year budget increase of $3,231,939. Due to changes at the state level in foundation aid calculations, the district is slated to receive a 0.3% increase in state aid. This increase is well below the 4.1% state aid increase that the previous foundation aid calculation would have granted, and also well below the current inflation rate of 3.8%. Given the meager increase in aid, combined with the increased costs of goods, services and benefits, a rollover budget would have been unsustainable without piercing the tax cap.  

Despite cuts, no staff members will be laid off  

In an effort to minimize taxpayer impact, while preserving student programming, the district worked aggressively to reduce the initial rollover budget by $840,662. This was achieved through careful reduction of supplies, BOCES services, and vacant positions through retirement and attrition. No existing staff members will lose their jobs due to these cuts. In addition to decreasing total expenditures, the district also worked to increase its revenue through reallocating some of its fund balance to support the budget.  

Levy funds less than half the budget, does not pierce tax cap 

The district’s goal is always to minimize taxpayer impact, keeping any tax levy increases below the maximum amount allowed by New York State’s tax cap calculation, and also keeping the portion of the budget funded by the tax levy below 50%. The proposed budget meets both of these goals, with the tax levy being below the maximum tax cap threshold, and funding 44.58% of the budget.  

Included in the 2024-25 Budget Proposal: 

Vacant/Retiree Positions (“Vacant” positions are positions that are available, but not currently filled by a permanent employee. “Retiree” positions are positions that are currently vacant due to a staff member’s retirement):  

  • 4 FTE Special Education positions 
  • 1 FTE ELA Teacher 
  • 1 FTE Speech Pathologist 
  • School Bus Replacements 
  • 5-Year Lease of 60 Jefferson Street Administrative Offices 
  • Transfer of St. John Street Alternative Program to Monticello High School  
  • Building and Department Requests 

Reduced from the 2024-25 Budget Proposal:  

Vacant/Retiree Positions (“Vacant” positions are positions that are available, but not currently filled by a permanent employee. “Retiree” positions are positions that are currently vacant due to a staff member’s retirement.) No existing staff members will lose their jobs due to these reductions: 

  • 1 FTE Science 
  • 1 FTE Spanish 
  • 2 FTE Elementary 
  • 2 FTE ELA 
  • 1 FTE Guidance 
  • 1 FTE Math 
  • 1 FTE Social Studies 

Historical Data:

The district’s proposed tax levy increase is the first increase in three years. Despite the requested increase, the total amount of the proposed 2024-25 tax levy is still less than it was in 2014-2015. 

Taxpayer burden has decreased by 6.98% since 2015-16 

The district has historically worked to progressively shrink the percentage of the budget funded by the taxpayers, while aggressively pursuing alternative revenue streams. In the 2015-16 school year, the tax levy funded 51.56% of the budget. In the proposed 2024-25 budget, the tax levy would fund 44.58% of the budget, a decrease of 6.98% 

Quick Links

Board of Education Election 

Budget Calendar 

Budget Data 

Budget Legal Notice

Budget Newsletter 

Budget Presentations  

Capital Improvement Project

Voting Locations

Voter Registration/Absentee Ballots

Voter Registration Day 

Board of Education Election

Three candidates are running for election for three seats currently held by Todd Grodin, Timothy Crumley and Lynka Rivera. 

The candidates, in ballot order, are: 

Todd Grodin
Timothy Crumley 
Meghan Stalter 

Board candidate profiles:

Todd Grodin: 

Place of Residence: Wurtsboro, NY

Years at Current Place of Residence: 53 

Occupation: Teacher

Statement:  I am running to continue my work from my last two concurrent terms. Making the schools better helps our students. Making the revision and update to our new stadium is the crowning achievement, as I ascend to be the only trustee serving on the board that will reach lifetime achievement in the New York State School Boards Association. I represent all Monties! 

Timothy Crumley: 

Place of Residence: Monticello, NY  

Years at Current Place of Residence: 10  

Occupation: Electrician

Statement: My name is Timothy Crumley, a 1993 graduate of Monticello central school district. I have lived in the district with my wife and children for over 15 years. I work as a property manager and Electrician in Liberty, NY. I have been on the MCSD Board of Education for the past six years and would like to serve my community for three more years.

Meghan Stalter 

Place of Residence: Wurtsboro

Years at Current Place of Residence: 20 years 

Occupation: Stay at Home Mother

Statement: Arthur Ashe said “Start where you are. Use what you have. Do what you can.” With the interests of my son and my community paramount, I believe service on the MCSD Board of Education provides an opportunity to contribute to building and maintaining the best educational environment for our children. 

Budget Calendar 

April 22, 2024 Deadline for submission of voter initiated propositions to be placed on the ballot (45 days before the election)

April 22, 2024 Deadline for submission of petitions for BOE candidates to be placed on the ballot. (30 days prior to budget vote)

April 23, 2024 FINAL legal date for budget adoption by Board of Education

April 29, 2024  Property Tax Report card due to SED and to official newspaper (end of next business day after budget adoption)

May 2, 2024 3-part budget document with required attachments made available upon request and distributed in various locations (at least 7 days before Budget Hearing and not less than 14 days before the Annual Budget Vote). 

May 7, 2024 – Voter Registration Day 4- 8 p.m., all district polling locations 

May 9, 2024 Budget hearing – 3 part budget document with required attachments available.

May 15, 2024     6-day notice mailed to eligible voters

May 21, 2024    Annual meeting and budget vote.

May 22, 2024 BOE Meeting accept results of election and budget vote

June 10, 2024      Sworn statement by candidates for election to BOE received by District Clerk.

If budget is defeated

June 4, 2024  Budget document – 3 part statement with required attachments made available upon request, at each school building, at district office, free library, and on district’s website at least 7 days before hearing and 14 days before the budget revote.

June 4, 2024  Publish legal notice for budget revote one each week in the 2 weeks before revote day, first publication 14 days before revote

June 6, 2024  Budget Hearing (7 – 14 days before budget revote day)  3 – part budget statement must be available at hearing.

June 12, 2024 Budget notice mailed to eligible voters

June 18, 2024 Statewide budget revote day

Please note this vote timeline may be revised if the “early mail voting” requirement takes effect.

Budget Data

Click here for the 2024-25 proposed budget data

Budget Newsletter 

The budget newsletter is mailed to every address within the boundaries of the Monticello Central School District. Residents should receive this document at their address around May 11 – May 14. A digital edition is also available. 

Budget Presentations

Feb. 15 – Buildings and Grounds, Transportation, Technology, Security

Feb. 15 – Buildings and Grounds, Transportation, Technology, Security presentation file 

March 7- Building Principal budgets, Athletics and PE

March 7- Building Principal budgets, Athletics and PE

March 27 – Curriculum/Staff Development, PPS (Pupil Personnel Services), Summer Programs, BOCES Services, General Support/Undistributed, Benefits and District-Wide Expenditures

March 27 – Curriculum/Staff Development, PPS (Pupil Personnel Services), Summer Programs, BOCES Services, General Support/Undistributed, Benefits and District-Wide Expenditures

April 16 – Budget Adoption

April 16 – Budget Adoption Presentation  


Voting Locations

Thompson/Monticello – District #1
Robert J. Kaiser Middle School
45 Breakey Avenue, Monticello, NY 12701

Bethel – District #2
Duggan Community Center
3460 Route 55, White Lake, NY 12786

Mamakating – District #3
Emma C. Chase School
28 Pennsylvania Avenue, Wurtsboro, NY 12790

Rock Hill – District #4
Rock Hill Fire Department
61 Glen Wild Rd, Rock Hill, NY 12775

Forestburgh – District #5
Forestburgh Town Hall
332 King Rd, Forestburgh, NY 12777

If you have a question about where you should vote, call 845-794-7700, ext. 70523 or check here on Poll Finder.

Voter Registration/Absentee Ballots

For more information about voting in school elections, including how to register and how to request an absentee ballot, please visit the Voting in School Elections webpage.

Voter Registration Day

There will be a Voter Registration Day on May 7 from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. at all district voting locations

Voters may also register in person on any school day between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the District Clerk’s office, located at: 

Monticello CSD Administration Building
60 Jefferson Street, Suite 3
Monticello, NY 12701

The last day to register to vote in the 2024-25 school budget vote is May 7, 2024. 

For more information on eligibility and registration, visit the Voting in School Elections webpage.