Kiamesha Torres-Camacho, a fifth-grade student at George L. Cooke elementary School, received an honorable mention award for her entry in the 25th annual Alcohol, Tobacco and Drug Abuse Poster Contest, sponsored by Catholic Charities.
Kiamesha Torres-Comacho, second from left in front, holds the poster she created for the Catholic Charities 25th annual Alcohol, Tobacco, Gambling and Drug Abuse Poster Contest. Kiamesha was awarded honorable mention for her work. On the right is DARE Officer Rose Ionta.
More than 300 posters were submitted from students throughout the county, including 57 submissions from fifth-grade students at Cooke. Kiamesha is a student in Patti Whipple’s class. The charge was to be creative and draw what they knew and learned from DARE Officer Rose Ionta.
On Friday, April 26, more than 30 Cooke fifth-grade students took a field trip to the Sullivan County Government Center to see Kiamesha receive her recognition.

Officer Ionta, who teaches DARE to all fifth grade students in the Monticello School District, was in attendance at the awards ceremony. Throughout the school year, fifth-grade students learn about drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and how bad they are for you. They also learn how important it is to make good choices and walk on the path to success.
Kiamesha’s poster is all about making good choices in life and staying on the right path. Congratulations Kiamesha.
Thank you also to Jane Sorensen of EPIC, Every Person Influences Children, for coordinating this project at Cooke with Kelly Mitchell, student council advisor.