Kindergarten and first grade students at Cooke Elementary School are bringing happiness to senior citizens.

As part of their Social Emotional Wellness class compassion project and community service with teacher Elisa Mendels, the students drew pictures and put them in decorated wooden-stick frames. They were presented Thursday to Jane Bozan, the nutrition director for the Sullivan County Meals on Wheels program, who will give them to the volunteers to distribute to the seniors.

Mrs. Bozan explained to the children that the Meals on Wheels program uses volunteers to delivery hot meals to senior citizens each day. In Sullivan County, 325 seniors get visits and meals from the volunteers every day.
She also said that the volunteers do more than just deliver meals. They get to know the people and check on them. If they need some snow shoveling in winter or the trash carried out, the volunteers do it.

Mrs. Bozan thanked the students for their pictures and said the seniors will greatly appreciate their artwork.
The Cooke students donated 132 framed pictures to the Meals on Wheels program, Ms. Mendels said.