On Wednesday, Nov. 13, the George L. Cooke Elementary School sponsored a lantern walk on their new nature path. There were about 130 people in attendance including members of the community.
It was a beautiful night with the lanterns, luminarias and an almost full moon. The students and families made or brought lanterns, then met Ms. McFadden at the pergola for a lantern walk story. They then walked the nature path while singing songs .
At the end of the path, they were treated to hot chocolate as well as cookies. Several families expressed what a wonderful spot the pergola and nature path were.
A lantern walk is held in November to celebrate the light we have within us that we share with others through our kindness and generosity. Socks, gloves, and hats were collected that evening for the students to use in our outdoor spaces this winter.
Cooke’s Nature Path was made possible by the generosity of a host of volunteers and organizations, including the Sullivan 180 Empowering a Healthier Generation grant. For more information, about the genesis of the Nature Path, read an article about the ribbon cutting ceremony.