EPIC to host “RULER” Workshop on May 14: Meta-Moment Part Two

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will be hosting an online RULER workshop via Zoom for Monticello families on Tuesday, May 14 at 6 p.m. Participants will meet for “Meta-Moment: Part 2” and learn tools and strategies on how to identify positive responses to strong, unpleasant feelings. Cooke Elementary SEW Facilitator Elisa Mendels will …

Celebrating our principals on National School Principal Day

May 1 is National School Principal Day – The Monticello Central School District is lucky to have an extraordinary leadership team, comprised of dedicated professionals to guide our students, lead our staff, and solve problems. Their passion, commitment and knowledge is invaluable; thank you for all that you do! Please join us in celebrating our …

Message from Superintendent re: upcoming culture and climate surveys

Dear Monticello CSD Community and Staff, Many of you will recall that we surveyed students, staff, and parents and caregivers regarding their perceptions of our schools’ cultures and climates.  The Board of Education and administration reviewed these responses and continue to make improvements to address the concerns identified. To help us gauge progress in these …

SJS preschool hosts Literacy Night

St. John Street preschoolers and their families enjoyed the school’s annual Literacy Night on Thursday, March 21. Students cycled through classrooms where educators, and Jane Sorensen of the EPIC program, had set up a multitude of art and sensory experiences designed to spark students’ love of reading. We know that early literacy is inextricably tied …

EPIC to host Spanish Workshop on “Helping Your Child Succeed in School” on March 26

El programa Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) organizará un taller en español para familias de Monticello a través de Zoom el martes 26 de marzo a las 5:45 p.m. Las familias discutirán el tema “Ayudando a su hijo a tener éxito en la escuela” El taller será presentado por Marta Mangual. El evento es gratis, …

EPIC to host “Kids Movement Fun Family Night” on April 11

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will be hosting a “Kids Movement Fun Family Night” from 5-6PM at St. John’s Community Preschool on Thursday, April 11.  The event is for children ages 2-6 and will be held in the school’s gym.  Families will gather for a night of exhilarating fun that will feature:  A movement …

Student art to be featured in Countywide PK-12 Art Show on April 12-14

The Sullivan County PK-12 Art Show will present the work of students from the County’s eight school districts and Sullivan BOCES at the Event’s Gallery at Bethel Woods Center for the Arts from April 12 to April 14. On Friday, April 12, 2024, the show will hold a Public Opening and Reception from 2:00 – …

SJS students build their brand

Walmart and Target. Google and Microsoft. Starbucks and Dunkin. Nike or Vans. While each pair of business rivals may sell a similar product, they can be perceived as polar opposite in terms of quality, reputation, style and many other factors – and that is all due to the brand these companies have built over the …