It’s Monday in Monticello – Jan. 24

It’s Monday in Monticello – time for Superintendent Evans’ weekly update to the Monticello community. This week – the closure of Project Excel, the launch of voluntary student testing, upcoming events and more. For more information about the Project Excel closure, please click here. 

Update on remote instruction from Superintendent Evans

Dear Monticello CSD Community Members, Earlier this morning, we had to switch our schools to remote instruction due to excessive staff absences in our transportation department. This morning, we had three (3) staff members call out, which brought our total absences in transportation to 15. Nine (9) of these staff members are out due to …

Families of MCSD students can opt-in to weekly COVID-19 screening

Beginning the week of January 24, weekly COVID-19 screening is available for all Monticello Central School District students, regardless of vaccination status. Students whose parents/guardians have opted in will be tested weekly during school hours by district health professionals. Families who wish to have their child(ren) tested must fill out this online permission slip and …

Prescription drug storage and disposal products available

A message from Sullivan County BOCES and Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan and Ulster Counties:  Catholic Charities of Orange, Sullivan, and Ulster Prevention Department Can Help with Your Prescription Drug Storage And Disposal Needs Catholic Charities has been working with Sullivan BOCES to provide the school district health offices with prescription drug safe storage and …

It’s Monday in Monticello – Jan. 10/Updated guidance from SCPHS re: COVID-19 quarantine

It’s Monday in Monticello — time for Superintendent Matt Evans’ weekly update to the Monticello community. This week, new guidance from the Sullivan County Public Health Services outlines when students and staff may return to school/work after a positive COVID-19 test or exposure, plus information on upcoming events.  Click to access decision-tree-Final-1.10.22.pdf

Virtual orientation for parents of current eighth-grade/incoming ninth-grade students will be held Jan. 13

Monticello High School Guidance will host a virtual orientation for the parents of current eighth-grade/incoming ninth-grade students on Thursday, Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. Parents may access the orientation using the information below.   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 934 2949 7814 Passcode: 838032 One tap mobile +16465189805,,93429497814# US (New York) +16468769923,,93429497814# US (New …

Robert J. Kaiser Middle School students receive donation of new high-end 3D printer

The turn-around time for Robert J. Kaiser Middle School Technology Teacher William Oefelein’s students’ creations to be printed is about to get shorter, thanks to a generous donation from Richard Music. Mr. Music, who used to work for 3-D printer manufacturer Stratasys, and who used to maintain Robert J. Kaiser Middle School’s existing machines, recently …

It’s Monday in Monticello – Jan. 3

It’s Monday in Monticello — time for Superintendent Matt Evans’ weekly update to the Monticello community. This week, Superintendent Evans discusses the uptick in COVID-19 cases following winter break, the mitigation strategies in place to protect students and staff, and how you can help us keep our schools open for learning.

Message from Superintendent Evans re: COVID-19 testing, test-to-stay protocol, shortened isolation periods for vaccinated staff members and more

Dear Monticello CSD Community and Staff Members, Happy new year! I hope all of you enjoyed your holidays and that you are well. The last several weeks have been very dynamic in developments around COVID-19. We plan to keep our schools open for in-person instruction for as long as we have enough staff to safely …

MCSD will pay certified substitute teachers $200 per day in new “floating per diem” positions

Like many school districts across the nation, the Monticello Central School District is facing a critical shortage of substitute teachers. These shortages, combined with quarantines, staff illnesses and existing vacancies, have caused disruptions to the district’s schedule, with schools needing to pivot to remote instruction when there are insufficient staff available to teach and supervise …