Registration open for Monticello Trap Team

Registration for the Monticello Trap Team is presently underway for the spring season!  The Monticello Trap Team is a co-ed program, for students in grades 6-12 and ages 12 and older.  Prior experience is not required,  and everyone gets to participate and advance at their own skill level.  Registration is done through the state league (not the school), so …

Spring sports registration now open

Registration for spring modified, JV and varsity athletics is now open. Any student interested in playing a sport during the spring season must register using Family ID. JV and Varsity spring sports will begin on March 17 and Modified spring sports will begin on March 24. Students must be registered and approved on Family ID before they …

RJK students celebrate Black History Month with research project

Robert J. Kaiser Middle School students researched influential figures from the Abolitionist/Early 19th Century, Civil Rights/20th Century, and the late 20th Century/early 21st Century time periods in Ms. Santoro’ WIN classes. The project is part of celebrating Black History Month, learning new information about these individuals, and sharing their new knowledge with their classmates. Students …

RJK students visit Philharmonic Orchestra at Lincoln Center

On Feb. 5 and 7, Robert J. Kaiser Middle School (RJK) Orchestra and sixth-grade Band students had the exciting opportunity to see the famed New York Philharmonic perform live at Lincoln Center in New York City. The interactive concert, held at the prestigious Avery Fischer Hall, featured a vast array of works across the classical …

Kindergarteners throw classmate a “big brother shower”

Becoming a big brother for the first time can be an intimidating experience for anyone, but George L. Cooke Elementary School kindergartner Jaylen Agapito can rest assured that he has the love and support of his classmates and teachers.   Cooke kindergarten teachers Michele O’Sullivan and Megan Hobby organized a “big brother shower” to help Jaylen …

STREAM Committee fall newsletter is now live

The Monticello Central School District’s STREAM (Science, Technology, Reading, Engineering, Art, and Math) Committee would like to present their Fall newsletter. Within the newsletter, MCSD staff, students, and community members will find highlights of some amazing classrooms around the district and plenty of helpful resources. Read the STREAM newsletter 

SCSBA will present free virtual workshops for prospective board candidates

Are you a Sullivan County resident interested in making a difference in your local schools? The Sullivan County School Boards Association (SCSBA) invites you to a Prospective School Board Member Workshop on Tuesday, April 8, 2025, at 5:30 p.m. This free, virtual event is designed to inform and inspire individuals considering a role on their …