ENL BBQ will be held Monday, June 12

The Monticello ENL program will hold its annual BBQ in partnership with EPIC on Monday, June 12 from 4:30 to 6:30 in the Robert J. Kaiser Middle School.  For more information, or for the RSVP form, click here. 

Renovation underway at KLR garden

The Kenneth L. Rutherford garden is being totally rebuilt! For the past few months, fourth-grade teacher Mr. Lankau has been writing grant applications in hopes to fund a brand-new garden for the students at KLR. The funding was secured through several grant awards, including a grant from Whole Foods and the Sullivan 180 Healthier Generation …

An important message from Superintendent Evans

Monticello CSD is aware of an unfounded school threat that has been circulating on social media.  Law enforcement has advised the district the post is neither local nor credible. All Monticello CSD schools are operating on their regular schedules today, Friday, May 5. 

Nine educators receive tenure at April 25 Board meeting

Congratulations to the nine educators who received tenure during the April 25 Board of Education meeting: Brianne Liebmann, Tiffany Kelly, Andrew Scecina, Lindsay Walsh, Jennifer Ruston, Beverly Correa, Danielle D’Agata, Angela Braselmann and Amanda Ormsby. Your hard work and dedication to the students of Monticello CSD has paid off, and we are so proud to have …

Information for parents about the ELA and Mathematics assessments

 In the upcoming weeks, students in grades 3-8 will complete the English Language Arts (ELA) and Mathematics assessments. These tests are required by the federal Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) and play an important role in measuring how our students are progressing and ensuring that each one has the tools her or she needs to …

KLR’s spring picture day will be held April 11

Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School’s spring picture day will be held on April 11. Forms will be backpacked home the week of March 22, and will also be available in the main office. 

EPIC to host Spanish Workshop on “Balancing Between Work and Family Life” on March 13

El programa Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) organizará un taller en español para las familias de Monticello a través de Zoom el lunes 13 de marzo a las 6:00 p.m. a través de Zoom. Las familias discutirán el tema de “Equilibrio entre el trabajo y la vida familiar”. El taller será presentado por Marta Mangual. …

KLR third-graders celebrate Black History Month

Kayla Lospalluto and Stephanie Roman’s class celebrated Black History Month with a special project. The students each selected a notable member of the Black community, researched that person, and then created a project which they then shared with their classmates. Some of the individuals that the third-graders researched included Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., Pelé, …