NYSDOH issues guidance re: masks; BOE will hear recommendations at June 10 meeting

español Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, The New York State Department of Health has issued updated guidance (June 7) that rescinds the requirement of face coverings for individuals while outdoors on school district property. However, the updated guidance keeps the requirement for individuals—i.e., students, staff, and visitors—to wear face coverings while indoors in district schools, …

Message from Superintendent re: face coverings

español Dear Monticello CSD Community, We are aware of the New York State Department of Health’s (NYSDOH) recent inquiry (June 4, 2021) to the Center for Disease Control on its advisement on face coverings in schools. The current NYSDOH guidance (April 9, 2021) states, Appropriate [personal protective equipment] means, at least, an acceptable mask, which …

MCSD families are eligible for temporary $50 discount on internet service

Español Enrollment for the Emergency Broadband Benefit, a new Federal Communications Commission (FCC) program is open. The temporary benefit will help to lower the cost of broadband service for eligible households during the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. The $3.2B Emergency Broadband Benefit program provides a discount of up to a $50 per month toward broadband service …

Upcoming EPIC events: Art Therapy and Sensory Motor Skills Workshops

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will host two virtual workshops for Monticello families in June. All events are free, but registration is required. Please email Jane Sorensen at JSorensen@k12mcsd.net to register for any event.  Art Therapy: 100 Exercises to Make Your Mind, Body and Spirit Sing Thursday, June 3  7 p.m. – 8 …

Free summer meals for MCSD students

The Monticello CSD announces its participation in the Summer Food Service Program (SFSP). Meals will be provided to all children 18 years and under without charge at these locations/dates/times. In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S.Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions …

Action Toward Independence Children’s Mental Health Awareness Family Fair

A message from Action Toward Independence: Action Toward Independence will host a Children’s Mental Health Awareness Family Fair on Friday, June 4 from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. at 309 East Broadway in Monticello, New York.  Mentally healthy children have a positive quality of life and can function well at home, in school, and in …

New air filters latest purchase from ESSER, GEER funding 

The district recently used funds received from the Elementary & Secondary School Emergency Relief Fund (ESSER) and Governors Emergency Education Relief (GEER) to purchase HEPA H13 filters, which have been installed in classrooms throughout the district. These Medify Air filters remove 99.9% of particles down to 0.1 microns, improving air quality in the buildings.  The …

Voters approve 2021-22 school budget

On Tuesday, May 18, Monticello Central School District voters approved the district’s $91.27 million 2021-22 budget proposal with 332 “yes” votes and 195 “no” votes. These results are unofficial pending verification of the affidavit ballots; however, there are only five ballots which will not significantly impact the final count. The approved budget reduces the district’s …

Positive COVID-19 case at KLR; school will operate as scheduled

Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, Today we were informed that a student at Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School tested positive for COVID-19. This student was last in school on May 14, 2021. They were determined to have been in contact with 13 other students—of different Monticello schools—who, we believe, will most likely be quarantined through …