KLR fifth-graders work to build a school community of respect

Fifth-grade students at the Kenneth L. Rutherford learned about the concept of “community” during a series of visits with Director of Equity Tiffany Hall. Last week, Ms. Hall visited each classroom to get students thinking about how their words matter, and how they, as the oldest students in KLR, can help create a school community …

The Monti Message March 2022

I. Budget Development The Board of Education will be adopting a budget for 2022–23 at its April 12 meeting; registered voters will be voting on this proposed budget on May 17, 2022.  Registered voters will also vote on three Board of Education member seats—those currently held by Jennifer Holmes, Lori Orestano-James, and Stacey Sharoff.  Each …

Register for ParentSquare to keep receiving news, alerts and events from Monticello CSD

Quicklinks: About Parent Square Download the app Use ParentSquare in your native language How to change ParentSquare to your native language Getting started with ParentSquare FAQs About ParentSquare The Monticello Central School District is excited to announce that we are partnering with a new communication platform called ParentSquare to communicate with Monticello families. This new …

EPIC will host “Meal Planning Made Easy” Family Engagement Workshop on March 29

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will host a virtual family engagement workshop, “Meal Planning Made Easy”, for Monticello families on Tuesday, March 29 at 6:30PM via Zoom. Participants will gather to learn how to create a family meal plan on a budget and how to get the entire family involved in the meal …

EPIC to host “Parent Café: Sensory Meditation” on March 24

*Ver esta publicación en español.* The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will host a virtual workshop for Monticello families on Thursday, March 24 at 6:45PM via Zoom. Participants will gather to learn various calming techniques, including how to calm the “5 Senses” through meditation. In addition, participants will support, share and learn from other …

MCSD launching new assessment tool to improve social-emotional learning practices

Dear MCSD Families,                                                                            Thank you for being our most powerful partners as we work together to educate the students in our district. The district’s improvement plans challenge us to create a Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) that infuses social emotional learning into academic, attendance, and behavioral outcomes. To that end, we are partnering with …

Student art work will be displayed at Bethel Woods during SC P-12 Visual Arts Show

The Sullivan County P-12 visual arts show will be held April 1 -3 from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Market Shed  Bethel Woods Center for the Arts, located at 200 Hurd Road in Bethel. Visual works from Monticello students, and other students from around Sullivan County will be on display.  This event is …

Schools in MCSD receive grants from Sullivan 180 to improve the health of their school communities

The Monticello Central School District is “fit as a fiddle” thanks to grants from Sullivan 180! Over the course of the past several months, schools within MCSD have been awarded grants from Sullivan 180 for projects focused on improving the health and wellness of students and staff. George Cooke Elementary and Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary …