Congratulations to the NHS inductees

Tuesday, May 2, 2023 was Monticello High School’s National Honor Society Induction. Families, friends, and teachers attended to see 47 high school students achieve this significant milestone. Elizabeth Bassett, National Honor Society advisor, began the evening, acknowledging student achievement and families in attendance. Then, MHS Principal Stephen Wilder gave a a warm welcome, including sharing …

MCSD/EPIC launch Arabic workshop series

The Monticello Central School District, in partnership with the Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program, hosted its first-ever parents workshop in Arabic on April 25 at the Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School. Facilitators Omnia Elghaly and Rania Elsayed led a group of Arabic-speaking families in a discussion about effective communication, giving parents some tools and …

MHS Career Readiness students learn important skills through the school’s salad bar

Monticello High School students in the Career Readiness program have the opportunity to learn and practice important skill sets through their work at the school’s salad bar.  The students have been working to help prep and display the salad bar since its inception in 2017, under the supervision of the food services department. The bar …

EPIC hosts successful first “Kids Movement Family Fun Night” at SJS

Families came out to bust a move on Monday, May 1 at St. John Street Community Preschool’s first “Kids Movement Family Fun Night.” The event was hosted by EPIC, the Every Person Influences Children program and focused on the importance of integrating movement into the daily lives of kids. Children ages 2-6 had the opportunity …

Two Monticello educators receive awards from Mid-Hudson School Study Council

The Mid-Hudson School Study Council (MHSSC) announced Emma C. Chase Elementary School Instructional Coach and Literacy Specialist Ann Marie Kurthy, and Chase Principal William Frandino, as two recipients of this year’s MHSSC annual awards. Ms. Kurthy is a recipient of the Teaching Excellence Award and Mr. Frandino is a recipient of the Friend to the …

Board members receive recognition for professional development

The men and women who serve on boards of education volunteer their time for a meaningful task that requires a niche knowledge of the complexities of education in New York State. NYSBBA offers a wealth of leadership training opportunities to help board members build these important skill sets. The organization presents awards in recognition of …

MHS music students experience the Metropolitan Opera with trip to New York City

New York was calling members of Monticello High School’s Chamber Choir and Music History course, who recently traveled to the Big Apple to attend the Metropolitan Opera’s season premiere of Puccinni’s “La Boheme.” Students planned the trip themselves, excited to hear and see one of the most classic and well-known operas under the bright lights …

Last chance to register to vote is May 9; Budget newsletter will arrive in residents’ mailboxes this week

A reminder that Tuesday, May 9 is the last day to register to vote in the 2023-24 school budget election. There is a voter registration event today from 4-8 p.m. at all district polling locations. For more information about voter registration, please visit our budget webpage.  Keep your eyes on your mailbox — the district’s budget newsletter will begin …