Graduation livestream link

Click the link below to watch the livestream of the 2024 Monticello High School Graduation Ceremony:

Tonight’s graduation ceremony will be held indoors; important information and livestream link

MHS Graduation 2024 Indoor Ceremony Graduation for the Class of 2024 will take place on campus again this year! The decision has been made to move our graduation inside due to the impending storms. Livestream Link  The ceremony will be livestreamed. Click here to watch the livestream  Location & Time The ceremony will begin at …

KLR third-graders learn the importance of teamwork and cooperation through friendly competition

Third-graders in Mrs. Snow’s class at Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary had their teamwork skills put to the test thanks to a challenge posed by social emotional wellness teacher, Mrs. Rojas. Students were tasked with creating the longest paper chain, using only one piece of construction paper, one tape dispenser and one pair of scissors, but …

It’s Monday in Monticello – Panther Parade of Pride Edition!

It’s the final Monday in Monticello video of the 2023-24 school year! In this episode, reminders about these final days and free summer meals at the district. Plus — what everyone’s been waiting for — our annual video montage of the Panther Parade of Pride, when our seniors take a step back before they take …

Preparing for the workforce: MHS Academy of Finance students refine their interviewing skills in two-day workshop

Monticello High School students enrolled in the NAF Academy of Finance program are ready to enter the workforce thanks to a two-day mock interview workshop conducted by Jane Sorensen, NAF AOF Advisory Board Vice Chairperson. The informative workshop began on Monday, April 22 with an interactive activity led by Ms. Sorensen. She asked students to …

Due to continued extreme heat conditions, all schools will dismiss early on Friday, June 21

Due to the continued heat advisory and high heat conditions that are expected to continue through tomorrow, our schools will dismiss on Friday, June 21, at the same times as today. Our heat safety precautions will also remain in effect through tomorrow afternoon (June 21). The middle school will dismiss at 11:15 a.m. Pre-K will …

Statement from Superintendent Evans re: heat precautions

Dear Monticello Community:  Please be advised that beginning tomorrow, Tuesday, June 18, at 12 p.m., the district will be taking the following heat advisory precautions: No physical outdoor activities: Students and staff should only be active outdoors for necessary functions (for example, school dismissals). When outside, students and staff should seek and stay in shaded …