Monticello CSD celebrates School Board Recognition Week

During the week of Oct. 21 through 25, the Monticello Central School District joins districts throughout New York State in recognizing the men and women who serve on school boards. School board members are responsible for the oversight of the district in which they serve. In Monticello Central School District, the Board is comprised of …

Monticello becomes 25th My Brother’s Keeper community

Press release courtesy of the New York State Education Department The New York State My Brother’s Keeper Community Network now includes 25 member communities, Interim State Education Commissioner Beth Berlin announced Oct. 4, 2019. The program recently added connections with Peekskill and Monticello City, the 24th and 25th communities to join the growing initiative to …

2019 Cans for Kids fundraiser has record breaking support

In ancient times, alchemists spent a colossal amount of time trying to discover a process that would transform metal into gold. Despite their efforts, these early chemists never succeeded at their task. Had the Wood family of Wurstboro been around centuries earlier, they could have taught these budding scientists a thing or two about transforming …

Elementary schools welcome School Counselor Molly Messina

With the addition of School Counselor Molly Messina to the Monticello team in the 2019-20 school year, students can add another brick to the foundation they are building during their elementary years to support their future. The New York State Education Department recently released new guidance regulations requiring that all elementary school students have access …

August Classroom 2020 Video Update

Each month, the district releases a video to update our residents on the status of the Classroom 2020 project. Watch this month’s update above, and check out our Classroom 2020 webpage for more information and a video and news archive.