A bagel with a side of encouragement

Students in Mr. Scott Cooper’s health classes at Robert J. Kaiser Middle School are learning about advocacy and community enhancement. As part of the lesson, the students decorated paper bags with motivational messages that will be used by the Monticello Bagel Bakery to serve up some positivity and encouragement along with breakfast.

District receives notice of confirmed case of scabies

On Thursday, Dec. 12, the Monticello Central School District received notice of a confirmed case of scabies in the district. Scabies is an infestation of the skin by a human itch mite. These mites burrow under the person’s skin where it lives and lays its eggs. The mite is transferred by prolonged skin-to-skin contact with …

Chase students perform “A Christmas Carol for Kids”

On Dec. 6, fourth and fifth-grade students in the Emma C. Chase Elementary School’s Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) Creative Drama Club performed A Christmas Carol for Kids by Charles Dickens, modified by K. Barnhart and B Kelso. The play is a modern take on the classic “A Christmas Carol” story that integrates some new …

Ms. Hurley’s class takes the Thanksgiving Food Drive crown

Monticello High School’s Thanksgiving Food Drive raised enough money to help 101 families in our community enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal.  Traditionally, the class raising the most is rewarded with a  delicious breakfast cooked for them by our building administration, and this year was no exception.  In first place, raising enough to help a staggering …

More Monticello students will be warm this winter, thanks to $2,500 grant

As temperatures begin to drop, more students in the Monticello Central School District will stay warm thanks to the generosity of the Monticello Walmart and the advocacy of Assemblywoman Aileen Gunther. Anthony Cibrasi of Walmart and Assemblywoman Gunther visited the Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School’s December Fun Friday to formally present the district with a …

Second-grade students learn about immigration

The second-grade students at the Emma C. Chase Elementary School just completed a unit on immigration. The children learned how and why people left their countries to make a new home in the United States. As a culminating activity the students created posters, dioramas and figurines that represented their families’ heritage.

Need help coping with daily stress and frustrations?

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program will present a free workshop, Coping with Daily Stress and Frustrations on Thursday, Dec. 12 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. at the George L. Cooke Elementary School, room 205. The workshop will be facilitated by Social and Emotional Wellness (SEW) teacher Elisa Mendels.  Children are welcome. The workshop …

2019 Monticello High School Thanksgiving Food Drive is a success

Monticello High School has worked together to help 100 families in our community enjoy a delicious Thanksgiving meal. As we have for well over 30 years, students, faculty, and staff worked together to raise enough money to purchase these meals from our local ShopRite. United Way provided us with our families, and collections began at …