Tiny Town closed beginning March 16

Tiny Town will be closed indefinitely beginning Monday, March 16. We are sorry for any inconvenience. Please check back here for any future announcements regarding the program.

Voting is power! RJK students celebrate the 19th Amendment

During the past few months, six students at Robert J. Kaiser Middle School spent many lunches and after-school sessions creating five powerful images for “The Power of Women Voting/19th Amendment” project through IFC (International Fiber Collaborative) Projects. The students created an overall theme using the 19th Amendment Flag as their unifying connector, and keeping to …

St. John Street School Community HUB to close at 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 12

Please be advised that the St. John Street School Community HUB will close at 5 p.m. on Thursday, March 12. Any activities scheduled past 5 p.m. will be cancelled.  If March 13 is used as a give-back day, the HUB will also be closed.  Finally, the HUB will be closed from Monday, March 16 through …

Informacion de COVID-19/coronavirus en español

Estimados colegas y familias de Monticello,  Quería informarle sobre las acciones que estamos tomando para reducir los riesgos de infección en las escuelas y responder al brote de coronavirus. Todos estamos inundados de información de muchas fuentes: alertas en nuestros teléfonos, noticias de televisión e informes especiales, redes sociales. Estamos monitoreando esta situación en evolución …

Cooke Literacy Night photos

A good time was had by all at the annual Cooke Literacy Night! Looking for photos of the event? Look no further. Check out this Cooke Literacy Night album.

Emma C. Chase will celebrate Spirit Week from March 16-20

This year, the Emma C. Chase Elementary School is combining Spirit Week with the Kid’s Heart Challenge. Join us with fun-filled themed days all week long.  Monday, March 16 – Dress like a P.E. teacher (sweats, sneakers, t-shirts, sweatshirts) “For good health’s sake, run, jump and shake.”  Tuesday, March 17 – Dress for the red …