Information for senior pictures

A message from the MHS Yearbook Staff:  The Yearbook Staff is trying to be proactive for the upcoming year and it’s uncertainties.  We would like to give you some upcoming dates for Senior pictures and some contact information for you to post for your seniors.  We encourage Seniors to not wait to make an appointment …

Student parking unavailable at this time; wait list available

Due to the ongoing renovation project at the high school, and the need to modify our building entrance and exit procedures we are unable to provide any student parking at this time.  If the situation changes and the spots become available we will inform families as soon as possible and open up the spots to senior …

RJK Fall Schedule

Robocalls went out in the last week of August to all students with cohort assignments, and information packets were mailed out at the end of the first week of September. The first day of school for all MCSD students is Monday, Sept. 14. In-person instruction will begin in weekly increments to ensure our health and …

Cooke Fall 2020 Schedule

Cooke families were notified of their child(ren)’s assigned cohort via a robocall on Sept. 1. All kindergarten students are in Cohort C by default, unless opted into Cohort D by their parents. The first day of school for all MCSD students is Monday, Sept. 14. In-person instruction will begin in weekly increments to ensure our …

District calendar expected to be in homes around Sept. 18

The Monticello Central School District printed calendar will be mailed to students’ homes and are expected to arrive around Friday, Sept. 18. Please check the district calendar on the website homepage for information regarding any events. This is also your best resource for up-to-date information throughout the school year.

“Welcome Back” from Principal Wilder

haga clic aquí para español Good Day Monticello High School Students & Families!    We embark on a new journey come September 14th, the start of instruction for the 2020-2021 school year.  Our lives have changed over the past six months because of the pandemic.  Our success as individuals, and groups, has always hinged on our ability to improvise, adapt, and …

Update from Dr. Evans on contact tracing; the importance of monitoring your child’s health and more

haga clic aquí para español Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, Over the next two weeks and throughout the school year, we will closely monitor local data to make informed decisions on whether our schools remain open for in-person student instruction. These include the county’s seven-day infection rate, and staff attendance rates that may be affected …