Remote learning on snow days going forward

Español  A message from Superintendent of Schools Dr. Matthew Evans: Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, I hope this finds you and your family well. Today, the district used its final emergency closure (or “snow”) day for the 2020–21 school year. Any emergency closures after today will become remote instruction days. These will be similar to …

Build a snowman, win a prize from the Academy of Finance

Students in the National Academy of Finance’s (AOF) Event Planning class at Monticello High School are hosting a virtual snowman building contest from Dec. 15 through Feb. 28. Here’s how it works: Build a snowman, showcasing your best Monticello or Academy of Finance pride. Join the virtual snowman contest by purchasing a $5 ticket on …

Positively RJK Feb. 1 – 12

“Positively RJK” recognizes students who have received a positive referral from their teacher in the previous week. Congratulations to the following students: Positive Records February 1st – 12th Laurie Oshinsky – 6th grade Guidance Counselor Daniel Scarlett Tricia Cahalan – 6th – 8th grade Art Instructor Shivam Patel Araceli Gonzalez Nariah Reyes Raequan Lewis Rachel …

Snow day on Tuesday, Feb. 16

Due to the ongoing inclement weather, Tuesday, Feb. 16 is a snow day at MCSD. All school buildings are closed and there will be no remote instruction. 

A Restoration Plan for MCSD

español Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, Over the past two years, the Monticello Central School District has experienced significant changes. While these may seem stressful and disorienting at times, they also present opportunities for growth. A short list of these would include remote and hybrid instruction due to the COVID-19 pandemic; a capital improvement project; …

Chase is spreading double the love!

In a time where folks need support more than ever before, Emma C. Chase Elementary School students are sending out double the love thanks to Art/Library teacher Laurie Kilgore and Social Emotional Wellness (SEW) teacher Maryann Swensen. In Art class for the past few weeks, students across all grade levels have worked on their yearly …

Cooke Elementary School will be remote Feb. 26

George L. Cooke Elementary School will be remote for all students on Friday, February 26 to allow staff to receive their second dose of Covid vaccinations.  All other Monticello schools will be running as scheduled. We appreciate your understanding and appreciate our staff doing their part to stop the spread.  

Chase staff member tests positive for COVID-19; Chase will remain on remote instruction through Feb. 18

español Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, We have been informed that a staff member at Emma C. Chase Elementary School tested positive for COVID-19 on February 8, 2021. This staff member was last at work on that same day (February 8) and was in contact with 15 students and staff who, we believe, will most …

Snow day Tuesday, Feb. 9

Due to inclement weather, Tuesday, Feb. 9 will be a snow day. All buildings will be closed and there will be no remote instruction. Stay safe!

Chase will pivot to remote instruction through Feb. 15

 español A Message from Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Matthew Evans:  Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, This is an important update to a posting of earlier today. We have been informed that the two students at Emma C. Chase Elementary School who tested positive for COVID-19 were last in school on February 4, 2021, and that …