Positive COVID-19 case at Cooke; building will remain open for in-person instruction

Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, Earlier today, we were informed that a student at George L. Cooke Elementary  School tested positive for COVID-19. This student was last in school on March 2, 2021. They were determined to have been in contact with 39 students and staff who, we believe, will most likely be quarantined. After …

Statement from SCSBA regarding reopening guidelines

Sullivan County School Boards Association (SCSBA) President Stacey Sharoff Vice President Anthony Sinacore Treasurer Dr. Kenneth Hilton Executive Director Tania DeFrank   Dear Sullivan County Community, Recognizing that the Covid-19 pandemic has undermined the learning of all of our children, with its greatest harm on those students who can least afford it, we all want …

Challenge helps K-2 students learn that math is universal

In an effort to promote promote problem solving, interest in mathematics and to demonstrate that math is universal, Instructional Coach Jen Ruston challenged Monticello students in grades K through 2 to participate in monthly math challenges.   This month, the challenge was to take a photo or video somewhere in the community that shows mathematics, …

Asbestos abatement will take place in closed construction area at high school, and other capital project updates

Dear Monticello Community Member:  I hope this finds you well and hopeful for some better weather next week. As some of you have noticed, we’ve had some significant progress and an unfortunate setback in our Classroom 2020 project. First, and most importantly, some unanticipated asbestos has been found in the roof of the construction area …

Spectrum News covers the Academy of Finance’s VITA program

Spectrum News recently stopped by Monticello High School’s Academy of Finance to cover a story about the Academy’s renowned VITA program.  Watch the news story here, and remember, if you had a job last year and earned less than $57,000, you are eligible to have your taxes prepared for free through this program. For more …

Upcoming EPIC events

The Every Person Influences Children (EPIC) program is offering a wealth of virtual opportunities for engagement and connection for Monticello families during the month of March.  All events are free, but registration is required to receive the Zoom information. To register for any event, email Jane Sorensen at jsorensen@k12mcsd.net Parent Cafes Tuesday, March 9th @ …

RJK will pivot to remote instruction through Friday, March 12

Click here for the message in Spanish. Dear Monticello CSD Community Member, Yesterday, we were informed that a student at Robert J. Kaiser Middle School tested positive for COVID-19. This student was last in school on March 2, 2021. They were determined to have been in contact with 36 students and staff who, we believe, …

La fecha del taller de ENL cambió al 23 de marzo

Click here for English ACTUALIZACIÓN: El taller EPIC para familias de habla hispana que estaba originalmente programado para el martes 30 de marzo ha sido reprogramado para el martes 23 de marzo a las 5:45 p.m. Para obtener información sobre la conexion por Zoom, comuníquese con aperez@k12mcsd.net. Si ya está registrado, no necesita volver a …

Cooke celebrates 100 days of school

Students at the George L. Cooke Elementary School celebrated 100 days of school on Tuesday, March 2 with a host of fun activities, including centenarian costumes, dance parties and 100-part building projects.  Tuesday, March 2 is actually the 99th day of school, but after such an unusual year, the teachers thought a two-day celebration was …