Build a snowman, win a prize from the AOF

Students in the National Academy of Finance’s (AOF) Event Planning class at Monticello High School are hosting a virtual snowman building contest from Dec. 15 through Feb. 28. Here’s how it works:

  • Build a snowman, showcasing your best Monticello or Academy of Finance pride.
  • Join the virtual snowman contest by purchasing a $5 ticket on EventBrite, or by placing $5 in an envelope with your name on the front, and bringing it to room 609 in the high school. 
  • Send a photo of your snowman to 
  •  On March 3, the winners for the most creative and most Monticello and/or AOF pride will be announced and awarded a gift card and winter basket.

Even Mother Nature is joining the fun, helping to kick off the contest with a winter storm. So grab a hat and some gloves and get building!