During its June 25 meeting, the Monticello Board of Education honored several Monticello team members with “Board Awards.” These semi-annual awards recognize staff and students who exemplify excellence and a commitment to the Monticello Central School District community. Read more about these fine folks, as described by their nominator(s) below:
Ms. Rose Joyce-Turner, Nominated by Stephen Wilder,
High School Principal
“At the beginning of the year Rose Joyce-Turner supported our preparations for, and facilitation of, our ASPIRE program. Rose identified areas of improvement and worked to fill those gaps to improve timely responses to student infractions while creating opportunities for those same students to become a better version of themselves. Rose regularly committed extra time and effort to ensuring the program was staffed and operating effectively.
As the year progressed, we faced a new challenge in the form of the COVID-19 pandemic. As we transitioned to a new type of work and service Rose transitioned to a role on the building leadership team to assist with the creation, communication, and facilitation of the new school-wide tasks and responsibilities. When we found ourselves without a building leader due to injury, Rose stepped in again and provided additional communication, collaboration, and support so our teachers and staff remained connected and successful in the completion of their tasks and responsibilities. Rose coordinated the distribution and collection of student materials, sent communication home to families, and contributed to the planning, preparation, and facilitation of our graduation ceremonies.
We are grateful to have Rose on our team and appreciate all her additional contributions. Rose is helping us to advance our mission of providing each student with the academic, social, and emotional skills they need to be life ready. Rose continues to be a valued member of the Monticello team and family. Her actions are in keeping with the high expectations we have for our professionals in the Monticello Central School District.”
Ms. Ann Hazelnis, Nominated by Stephen Wilder, High School Principal

Ann Hazelnis is a consummate professional whose contributions to the Monticello community have been briefly summarized already in her nomination for the Sullivan County Outstanding Educator award. Her extraordinary effort and commitment have not been diminished in the slightest with her impending retirement at the conclusion of this school year.
As the co-graduation coordinator Ann continued her relentless professional effort for hours, days and weeks to contribute to the generation of ideas, planning, coordination, and facilitation of what came to be our individual graduation ceremonies for the Class of 2020. Her years of dedicated commitment to our graduation ceremonies was instrumental in determining effective and actionable solutions for us to consider and choose from. The result was the planning and implementation of a meaningful and memorable graduation ceremony for our students and their family and friends.
Ann will be retired following the completion of this school year. For 33 years of dedicated service to the Monticello community, her actions have been in keeping with the high expectations we have for our professionals in the Monticello Central School District.
Ms. Anna Estep, Nominated by Stephen Wilder, High School Principal
As an administrator intern working towards her building and district level leadership certification, Anna Estep has demonstrated contributions above and beyond what would be expected. Her significant contributions during our school closure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic improved quality and clarity of communication, planning, and implementation of school-wide efforts. Anna participated in daily collaborative leadership meetings, provided review and revisions of critical communications to faculty, staff, students, and parents.
Anna regularly took on projects such as putting together the Blue and White Ceremony video, the virtual Student of Distinction Award Ceremony, coordinating when and how teachers could access their classrooms for end of year packing and preparations for the renovation project, and multiple tasks related to other school-wide efforts. Anna worked day, evening, and weekends beyond her program requirements demonstrating a sincere and committed work ethic reflective of who she is as a person. Her specific recommendations, revisions, planning, collaboration, and coordination added great value to our school-wide successful efforts to respond to the needs of our school community during an unprecedented period of time.
Anna continues to be a valued member of the Monticello team and family. Her actions are in keeping with the high expectations we have for our professionals in the Monticello Central School District.
Ms. Sheryl Manz, Nominated by Stephen Wilder, High School Principal
Sheryl Manz has loyally served the Monticello community for 39 years. This past year, Sheryl has again served as the Department Instructional Leader for the high school guidance department, the co-master scheduler, and the co-graduation coordinator. Given the unique circumstances presented by our school closure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, Sheryl’s dedicated experience and leadership was pivotal in our coordinated response to best meet the needs of our school community.
As the department instructional leader for our guidance department, Sheryl facilitated daily department meetings at the beginning of the closure and weekly department meetings as the closure progressed. Sheryl enlisted the expertise of her department members to develop and implement creative solutions. She consistently collaborated with, advised, and worked with building leadership to accomplish critical tasks associated with student needs. Her efforts resulted in exceptional departmental outreach and support to our students and families.
As the co-master scheduler, Sheryl expended many additional hours creating solutions for the space constraints we are facing because of our capital improvement project. Her collaborative efforts have resulted in dependable solutions for helping to maximize our time, talent, and passions school-wide to best influence student success and meet student interests.
When confronted with the challenge of planning and implementing a meaningful and memorable graduation ceremony, under uncertain and evolving circumstances and requirements, Sheryl once again rose to the occasion. As the co-graduation coordinator Sheryl endeavored on a collaborative journey to reimagine what a graduation ceremony could be during a pandemic. Sheryl demonstrated a relentless effort for hours, days, and weeks to contribute to the generation of ideas, planning, coordination, and facilitation of what came to be our individual graduation ceremonies. Her years of dedicated commitment to our graduation ceremonies was instrumental in determining effective and actionable solutions.
Sheryl continues to be a valued member of the Monticello team and family. Her ongoing, reliable, and committed leadership continues to demonstrate how irreplaceable her individual contributions are. Her actions are in keeping with, and regularly exceed, the high expectations we have for our professionals in the Monticello Central School District.
Mr. Stephen Lewis Nominated by Stephen Wilder,
High School Principal
Stephen Lewis juggles many competing priorities as the Director of Facilities for the Monticello Central School District. He consistently has multiple demands for his time and attention to resolve challenges that arise and programs or events to set up for. Stephen’s collaboration and effort supporting the needs and wants at the high school have always been approached with professionalism, candor, and solutions focused.
During the school closure as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic Stephen demonstrated the ability to quickly adjust his, and his teams, efforts to meet a variety of new needs from the high school. His collaborative and decisive leadership allowed for the successful facilitation of multiple distributions and collections of student materials, the preparation for our building renovation project, and the successful facilitation of our graduation ceremonies. A common refrain from Stephen was, “Whatever you need we will make it happen” and “Happy to do it.” Stephen’s responsive leadership allowed for many other professionals to be successful and safe in their tasks and responsibilities.
Stephen is a respected and valued member of the Monticello team and family. His actions are in keeping with the high expectations we have for our leaders in the Monticello Central School District.