Athletics Handbook


The Monticello Central School District hereby advises students, parents, employees, and the community that it offers employment and educational opportunities, including vocational education opportunities, without regard to sex, color, national origin, or handicap. The District makes every effort to offer equal extracurricular opportunities for males and females at all levels of the program.  (BOE Policy 0100)


The Monticello Central School District takes a very strong stand concerning hazing/initiation. We demand an atmosphere that is free from all forms of harassment and/or violence including hazing. Any student involved in hazing, as a participant or a spectator, will be subject to discipline and/or suspension from the team/club. In addition, criminal charges may apply. Any student who is aware of any hazing has the responsibility to report it to the advisor, coach, or Athletic Director.  (BOE Policy 0115, 5300)



For up-to-date team schedules, click here to go to the OU BOCES Sports site .

There are many days that we must reschedule or cancel games due to weather or other problems. Call the Athletic Hotline at (845) 794-8840 ext. 10976 for updated event information.  Please call after 12 p.m. since most changes do not occur until late in the day. We suggest that, when the weather is threatening, you call just before you leave for the game. We post changes and cancellations as they occur. Weekend events are included on the Friday message.


Follow the directions above to display the athletic contest you wish to attend. The last column will display the “location” of the contest. Click on this link for a detailed set of directions or an online map. Directions for contests scheduled for out of area schools are available in the Athletic Office. Please have your student-athlete stop in the day before the contest for a printed copy of the directions.

Some contests do not take place at the school indicated. Also, some locations may be changed at the last minute. Always check with your student-athlete or with the Athletic Office if there is any doubt about the location of a contest.


Good sportsmanship requires ALL Monticello spectators (students and adults) to follow this code of conduct: Cheer for Monticello, never mock or boo opponents. Be considerate of opposing players, fans, and coaches. Respect the calls of officials. Treat visiting teams and their spectators as invited guests. Become familiar with the spirit and rules of the game/activity. Accept decisions made by either team. Support our cheerleaders in a positive manner. Remember that a sporting event is an extension of the school day. All the school rules of behavior apply to the game and time prior to or following the game.

Monticello is a non-smoking campus. All spectators are required to respect the no smoking rule that does not allow smoking on school grounds or at any school activity.


The Monticello Central School District wishes to advise students and their parents/guardians that participation in an interscholastic sport or related activity may place the student at risk for injury. Such physical injury can occur in any type of sports activity and may vary in nature.


You must report all injuries to the coach/advisor and the nurse’s office for processing. Any injury treated by a doctor requires physician clearance before the student can resume participation. A student missing five or more consecutive school days, or five or more consecutive days of participation due to injury or illness must receive written permission from a physician before returning to active participation. 


Students that are involved in extracurricular events must ride the bus to and from sponsored functions unless the parent submits a written request that the Athletic Director approves and signs. The coach/advisor must receive the signed note before departure. Students must follow all of the bus rules, regulations, and safety procedures. The coach/advisor may accept a parent’s written request to transport the student home from the activity.


Students that are involved in extracurricular activities must be in school one half of the school day in order to participate in any afterschool activities. An exception can be made only if the student has an acceptable written legal excuse (such as educational trip or visit, family emergency, special appointments, etc. that are beyond control of the student) and after meeting with the Building Principal, his designee or Athletic Director prior to the practice, event, or contest.

Any student receiving out-of-school suspension may not attend or resume participation of club or team activities until their suspension period ends. This includes activities on weekends and/or holiday periods. If a student receives In-School-Suspension, he or she may not participate in or attend any afterschool activity until after the next scheduled school day.  (BOE Policy 5200)


Student athletes are expected to dress for home and away contests in accordance with the coach’s requirements.


Code of Ethics

In compliance with the New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHAA) Code of Ethics, it is the duty of all concerned with student athletics to:

  1. Emphasize the proper ideals of sportsmanship, ethical conduct, and fair game play.
  2. Eliminate all possibilities that tend to destroy the best values of the game.
  3. Stress the values derived from playing the game fairly.
  4. Show cordial courtesy to visiting teams and officials.
  5. Establish a happy relationship between visitors and hosts.
  6. Respect the integrity and judgment of the sports off.
  7. Achieve a thorough understanding and acceptance of the rules of the game and the standards of eligibility.
  8. Encourage leadership, use of initiative, and good judgment by players on the team.
  9. Recognize that the purpose of athletics is to promote the physical, mental, moral, social, and emotional well-being of individual players. 

Remember that an athletic contest is only a game- not a matter of life or death for a player, coach, school, fan or community.

Code of Conduct

Students must display conduct and citizenship that reflects pride in the program and in the school at all times. Expected standards of behavior are high and a willingness to live up to them is part of being a member of a team or club. In return for the privilege of participating on a team or club, the student will accept the necessary responsibilities and do their best to live up to them. In addition, all members and managers must present a clean, neat appearance in personal grooming and dress and behave as young adults. Unbecoming conduct in or out of school may result in disciplinary action including possible suspension from the team or club.

Any student who joins an extracurricular team or club must remain with the organization until the season/event is completed and the coach or advisor releases the team/club. If a student wishes to transfer to another team/club during the season, he/she must discuss the change with the current coach/advisor before requesting membership on the new team/club. A student who leaves a team/club without permission may receive a suspension from further extracurricular participation. This consequence is justified by the fact that the offender has deprived other students of practice, participation time, and instruction.

Any student, dismissed from or who quits an athletic team, must get approval through an Athletic Hearing before receiving eligibility to participate in another sport. The Athletic Director will determine eligibility based on the information presented at the hearing. It is the responsibility of the student to schedule the Athletic Hearing with the Athletic Director before the start of the following season.

Students are required to attend all scheduled classes and complete all coursework and assignments. For student-athletes, proper attire and full participation in Physical Education, including on game days, is required and expected unless preciously exempt. Extracurricular participation is an extension of the school day. A full effort must occur in the classroom as well as on the athletic field.

Students who participate in extracurricular activities generally are the leaders within a school. It is important that students representing our school do so at all times. Students who owe disciplinary consequences may be placed on the ineligible list.  (BOE Policy 5300)


Students are responsible for maintaining uniforms and equipment during the season. If an item becomes damaged or lost, the coach/advisor must be notified immediately. All equipment and/or uniform obligations must be fulfilled before a student can participate in another extracurricular activity. Missing or misused school equipment will be charged to the individual responsible for it and restitution will be required. Equipment issued to a student is to be used only for the purpose for which it is intended in practice or in contests/events. No part of any uniform or equipment is to be used in physical education classes or in any other way unless specific permission has been granted in advance for a school-sponsored program. All students are expected to refrain from willingly or carelessly damaging equipment, facilities or property whether at home or on trips. Any student found to be in possession of unauthorized school equipment (from any school) will be suspended from the team/club. He/she will not be permitted to retain the articles and, in the case of the other school’s property, he/she will return the property and make an appropriate apology. Students are responsible for all equipment including her/his belongings and, if it is lost or stolen, the school will not be responsible. No athletic awards will be granted until all uniform and/or equipment accounts are cleared. Failure to submit uniforms or equipment in a timely fashion may also result in other disciplinary actions including, but not limited to, the assigning of detentions.


Health Educators and coaches strongly believe that students perform best when they follow intelligent training rules that prohibit the use of alcohol, tobacco, and drugs. Use of these materials will not be tolerated in the Monticello Central School District. Any student found guilty of use or possession for sale or distribution of drugs, alcohol or tobacco will be held accountable and disciplined.

The Monticello Board of Education policy states that whenever it is established that a student has used, possessed, distributed or is under the influence of narcotics, alcohol, or a controlled substance when on school property or while engaged in school activities, the following procedures will be followed:

  • Parent/guardian notified and conference required
  • Student is suspended, out-of-school, for 5 days
  • Legal authorities will be notified (local police, Sullivan County Youth Division)
  •  Superintendent’s Hearing required following suspension
  • Student is required to seek counseling from a substance abuse clinic or rehabilitation agency
  • Notification may be made on the student’s permanent record
  • Student will be suspended from all extracurricular activities for the remainder of the season


All students are entitled to the following due process:

A letter from an Administrator will be sent to the parent/guardian and disciplinary action will be taken by the coach/advisor in compliance with the above policy. A mandatory two-week suspension will occur to allow due process procedures to be finished.

Any student, parent, guardian, coach, or advisor who feels that a student has been unjustly declared ineligible may appeal that decision to the eligibility committee. The decision of the eligibility committee is final.

At the hearing, the length of the suspension will be decided by a majority decision of the hearing panel. The decision of the hearing panel is final.  (BOE Policy1530, 5300)


Parent-Coach/Advisor Relationship

Both parenting and coaching/advising are time consuming and extremely difficult vocations. By establishing an understanding of each position, we are better able to accept the actions of the other and provide greater benefit to the children. As parents, when your children become involved in our program, you have a right to understand what expectations are placed on your child. This begins with clear communication from the coach/advisor of your child’s program.  

As your child becomes involved in the extracurricular programs, they will experience some of the most rewarding moments of their lives. It is important to understand that there also may be times when things do not go the way you or your child wishes. At these times, discussion with the coach is encouraged.

Communication you should expect from your child’s coach/advisor

  1. Philosophy of the coach/advisor and district.
  2. Expectations the coach has for your individual child and team as a group. This includes practices, games, travel, early notifications of conflicts, etc.
  3. Locations and times of all practices, games, and/or events.
  4. Information on how to reach the athletic hotline for daily updates of games/events.
  5. Team requirements, i.e. off season conditioning, personal equipment, etc.
  6. Procedure should your child be injured.
  7. Discipline that results in denial your child’s participation both long and short term.

Communication coaches expect from parents

  1. Concerns expressed to the coach/advisor.
  2. Notification of any occasional schedule conflicts well in advance.
  3. Specific concern regarding a coach/advisor’s philosophy and/or expectations.

Appropriate concerns to discuss with coaches/advisors

  1. The treatment of your child, mentally and physically.
  2. Ways to help your child improve.
  3. Concerns about your child’s behavior.

It is difficult to accept when your child is not participating as much as you or she/he may hope. Coaches/Advisors are professionals who make judgment decisions based on what they believe to be best for all of the students involved. As you have read above there are items that you can and should address with the coach/advisor. Other things, such as the ones following, must be left to the discretion of the coach/advisor.

Issues not appropriate to discuss with the  coaches/advisors

  1. Playing time
  2. Team strategy and line-ups
  3. Play calling
  4. Other students/athletes

There are situations that may require a conference between the coach/advisor and the parent. These conferences are to be encouraged. It is important that both parties have a clear understanding of the other’s position. When these conferences are necessary, the following procedure should be followed to help promote a resolution to the issue of concern.

If you have a concern to discuss with a coach/advisor

  1. Call to set up an appointment. Call the coach/advisor directly or call the Athletic Office and we will assist you in reaching the coach/advisor.
  2. The Monticello Athletic Office number is 845-794-8840 ext. 10996.
  3. Please do not attempt to confront the coach/advisor before or after a contest or practice. These are emotional times for the student, parent, and coach/advisor. Meetings of this nature usually do not promote resolution and can create more conflict. 

The next step – what a parent can do if the meeting with the coach/advisor did not provide a satisfactory resolution

In athletics, call and set up an appointment with the athletic director to discuss the situation. For all other extracurricular activities, call the building principal. At this meeting, the appropriate next step can be determined (if there is to be a next step).

If a satisfactory resolution is not reached in the meeting with the athletic director/principal, parents may make an appointment with the Appeals Committee, which will consist of the athletic director, principal, assistant superintendent and committee members.

How to help your child balance family, school and extracurricular activities

  1. Help your child set priorities, but do not choose their priorities for them.
  2. Help your child develop a realistic schedule to accommodate family, school, extracurricular activities, and a social life.
  3. Know the coach/advisor’s expectations for the team/club.
  4. Let the coach know of family commitments well in advance of the date.
  5. Encourage your child to do homework early in the day, especially if games/events or practices are scheduled late in the afternoon.
  6. Set aside a time for quiet study at home.
  7. Watch for signs or burnout
    Failing or lowering grades
    Diminished interest in the sport
    Fatigue leading to illness or repeated injury
  8. Be a positive role model as a parent.

How to create a “team player”

  1. Praise your child when she/he acts like a “team player” in and out of a sport/extracurricular situation.
  2. After each game/event, talk about team/group performance and do not dwell on individual performance.
  3. In watching other sports/activities, point out examples of “team play” when you see it.
  4. Create a “team” environment at home using activities such as household chores.
  5. Make sure you, are a parent, act as a team player in activities and in everyday life.

Encouraging the student

  1. Teach your child that he/she does not have to be the best, but should try to do their personal best.
  2. Praise effort and improvement not victory, defeat or outcome.
  3. Be a cheerleader for the “team” not just for your child.
  4. Talk with the coach/advisor when necessary.
  5. Recognize when it is time to try another sport or activity.

How you keep your children cool

  1. Put extracurricular activities in proper perspective.
  2. Emphasize skill improvement, personal growth, and fun.
  3. De-emphasize wins and losses, personal statistics.
  4. Provide outlets for blowing off steam by teaching your child to relax and channel angry feelings away
  5. Offer praise
  6. Model composure yourself

(BOE Policy 1400)


The Monticello Booster Clubs serves to recognize students with support, awards, dinners, and to educate athletes and parents in the community about issues in extracurricular activities. The booster club fundraises for team/club recognition items in support of the team/club.  (BOE Policy 1222)


The coach is responsible for:

  1. Writing recommendations for students when requested to do so
  2. Assisting students in obtaining videos of games (if available)
  3. Supplying students with stats
  4. Advising students on the college level of play (coach’s opinion)

The student and parents are responsible for:

  1.  Looking into the NCAA – become familiar with the rules. 
  2. Completing the NCAA Clearinghouse form in a timely fashion. The best time is the summer after the junior year. If it is done in the senior year, complete the form by October so that spring courses can be adjusted if necessary.
  3. Making contact with college coaches. (Names of coaches and addresses can be obtained online at www. (name of college).edu, or from the athletic office.
  4. Making a resume to send to college coaches (share it with your coach to assist in recommendations).
  5. Making a video to send to college coaches.
  6. Asking your coach (es) to write and send recommendations to college coaches. Provide the coach with your resume and the name and address of the college coach.
  7. Looking into financial aid and learning how it works. Do not expect your school or the college to “find money” for you.
  8. Filling out college applications and financial applications. College applications should be sent out by the first of the year and financial aid forms as soon as W2 forms are received and your taxes are completed (the earlier the better).

College-bound Athlete Check List

 9th and 10th Grades

  • Take the correct courses- the toughest ones you can handle
  • Keep written track of your athletic statistics and any rewards
  • Keep track of the credits and units earned for the NCAA Clearinghouse (Div. I and II)

11th Grade

  • Take the correct courses
  • Keep a written track of your athletic statistics and any awards
  • Have someone video your play (don’t rely on the school for video)
  • Take the SPSAT in October
  • Take the SAT or ACT in May or June
  • Keep track of the credits and units earned for the NCAA Clearinghouse (Div. I and II)
  • During the spring semester, begin to visit colleges
  • At the end of this year, or during the summer, write to colleges you are interested in. Send your academic and athletic resume. Keep a written track of your letters and who answers you. Talk to coaches- when you are allowed to (check the NCAA website for dates).
  • Let your coach and director of Athletics know you are interested in playing college sports.

12th Grade

  • Take the correct courses
  • Keep a written track of your athletic statistics and any rewards
  • Have someone video your play (don’t rely on the school for video)
  • Edit your video and make copies to send to colleges
  • Take the SAT or ACT in October, and again later if necessary
  • Keep track of credits and units earned for the NCAA Clearinghouse
  • Complete the Clearinghouse application online ( and give two copies to the guidance office.
  • Apply to colleges
  • Talk to coaches- when you are allowed to
  • Fill our FAFSA in January and profile if necessary
  • Graduate on time


This form must be signed and returned to your coach/advisor BEFORE you will be eligible to participate in any practice, scrimmage, or game. Print the form here or request it from your coach.