- 3 – two-pocket folders
- 2 composition notebooks – sewn binding (at least 100 pages)
- Thin or thick colored markers
- 2 packages wide-ruled loose-leaf paper to be kept in 2 pocket folder
- 2 packages of pencils (please purchase Ticonderoga brand if possible. They last longer and perform better making them more cost-effective).
- Erasers
- Soft, zippered pencil case
- Small pointed scissors (Fiskars work well)
- Small (24 ct.) box of crayons
- Glue sticks
- 2 wide-ruled spiral notebook
- Dry erase markers
- Headphones or ear buds for computer/iPad (not going to be shared)
*Note: No trapper-keepers or loose-leaf binders. Our desk space is limited.