Seniors Giada Marone and Alexandra Cushing join Board of Education as student members

On Thursday, Sept. 19, Monticello High School seniors Giada Marone and Alexandra Cushing were sworn in as the 2024-25 Student Board Member, and Student Board Member Alternate, respectively.

Student Board Members are responsible for updating the Board of Education on student matters, and advocating on behalf of their peers, ensuring that students have representation at the highest level of the district’s administration.

Here’s some Q&A from these two young leaders:

Giada Marone

Giada Marone is being sworn in as the board president looks on
Giada Marone is sworn in as Student Board Member

What made you want to be a student board member? 

I wanted to be more involved in the school community and help make the district a better place.

What are your goals in this position? 

I would like to improve student moral, help create a sense of community and I’d like to serve as a representative of the student body.

What are your other hobbies and/or organizations you belong to? 

Other than student government, I am also a part of the prom committee. I am a pep rally coordinator, and I’m president of the key club.

What are your future plans? 

In the future I’d like to be an occupational therapist.

Alexandra Cushing

Alexandra Cushing is sworn in as the board member alternate
Alexandra Cushing is sworn in as the Student Board Member alternate.

What made you want to be a student board member? 

I wanted to make sure students had a voice and were getting the representation they deserved. 

What are your goals in this position? 

My goals in this position are to make improvements to increase spirit and overall morale around the school. 

What are your other hobbies and/or organizations you belong to? 

I play both travel and school softball. I also participate in both the High School Food and Toy Drives. I am a member of the Battle of the Books team and Teen Advisory Board at Mamakating Library. I also am a part of National Honor Society. 

What are your future plans? 

I plan to go to college to pursue forensic psychology. 

Watch a video of Superintendent Matt Evans interviewing Giada and Alexandra