MHS student drop-off/pick up information

Good Day Monticello High School Families!
We want your student’s to arrive to school, and get picked up from school, safely and prevent the chance for accidents to happen.  To accomplish this, we need everyone to work together and understand how drop off and pick up works for the high school and middle school buildings.  

Main Points

  • Student Drop Off between 7:05-7:35 am is by the auditorium/gymnasium entrance on the Route 42 sign of the building.
  • Student Drop off after 7:35 am at the main office.
  • Student Pick Up after school is 2:15 pm by the auditorium/gymnasium entrance on the Route 42 sign of the building.
  • Student Pick Up may happen after 2:30 pm at either side of the building.
  • Drivers must always follow the directions of our safety team managing traffic. 
    Student drop off for the high school and middle school is on the Route 42 side of the building, which is where the gymnasium and auditorium entrance is.  You can see on this map that the roadway you will use is marked in green.  This is where students will be dropped off between 7:05 am and 7:35 am.  It provides for a safe and effective loop for vehicles.  There are students and school employees who park in this area, so please drive slowly and remain alert for pedestrians crossing to the building.  
    The roadway marked in red on the map is off limits to community traffic.  This includes the school employee parking lot.  The employee parking lot is not designed for the flow of traffic needed for student drop off.  It is not safe to have students dropped off here to cross between our buses and it increases the likelihood of a motor vehicle accident due to the tight lanes for parking.
    Once the bus loop is empty, normally by 7:35 am, students must be dropped off by the main office.  
    At the end of the day, the same expectations exist.  Student pick up is on the Route 42 side of the building, which is where the gymnasium and auditorium entrance is, after 2:15 pm.  Students may begin getting picked up at the front side of the building after the bus loop is empty, which is approximately 2:30 pm.
    Regardless of the times, situations arise where access to the front of the building may not be available until a little later.  Drivers must always follow the directions of our safety team managing traffic.  They are there for everyone’s safety and deserve to be treated with respect and dignity.  We are thankful for their service to ensuring our safety.  
    Thank you for doing your part to help keep everyone safe at our schools.  Make it a great day and be your best self!