Update Aug. 12, 2:39 p.m.: The recording of the KLR informational night is now live. View it here
Update Aug. 31: In-person instruction dates; iPad pickups announced
Update Sept. 3: September 2020 in-person calendar added
A message from Kenneth L. Rutherford Elementary School Principal Christopher Palmer:
Quick Links:
- Greetings/Cohort Model
- Health and Safety
- Social Distancing
- Schedules
- Attendance
- Childcare
- Before/After-School Care
- Phased Opening
- Vision of Instructional Practice
- Full District Plan
Greetings/Cohort Model
It is with great pleasure that I greet you for the upcoming 2020-2021 school year. The district has been very busy in creating the re-opening plans for each of the buildings, and our priorities have been the health, safety, and well-being of students and staff. We are prioritizing the quality of teaching and learning that will be offered in both a hybrid and remote instructional settings.
The district has decided on using a four – cohort model to offer a hybrid, as well as fully remote learning option for district students.
- Cohort A and Cohort B will engage in Face-to-Face instruction two days a week, and remote learning for three days a week.
- Cohort C is by invitation only for Kindergarten, Special Education Self-Contained, ENL, homeless students, and students without access to the internet.
- Cohort D will be fully remote learning.
The first day of school for all MCSD students is Monday, Sept. 14. In-person instruction will begin in weekly increments to ensure our health and safety protocols are operational. The calendar on the below shows the days on which each grade, and each cohort will begin to attend classes at the school.
Beginning Sept. 14 all students should work remotely until his or her cohort and grade begins in-person instruction as outlined in the calendar. Please note that you can zoom in on the calendar by holding down the “control” key and “+” sign on your keyboard on a PC, or by holding down the “command” key and “+” on a Mac. On a mobile device, you can pinch and zoom.
KLR students who requested a hybrid learning plan will receive their cohort, teacher assignment and supply list when they come to pick up their iPad on their assigned iPad pick up day.
On iPad pick up days, please drive up in front of the school, remain in your vehicle and be prepared to show your I.D. If you can not come during your scheduled time, call 845-794-4240 to schedule another time. Please note that if you did not return your iPad from the spring, you will not receive another one.
Health and Safety
In order to address the Health and Safety of Students and Staff, the district buildings will be closed every Wednesday for deep cleaning. A thorough cleaning and disinfecting of classrooms and office spaces will take place nightly.
We will be requiring students and staff to use masks or face coverings, at all times, except for when they are eating lunch. Mask breaks will be given throughout the day. The building will have masks available for those who have forgotten to bring their mask from home, or if something happens to it during the day.
We promote that families take the temperatures of their children prior to them leaving their home. If they have a fever of 100 degrees or higher, the student will need to remain home and could potentially participate in remote learning activities. Students will need to have a mask to wear while on the bus and to enter the building.
We will promote the practice of frequent handwashing and/or use of hand sanitizer.
Prior to entering the building, Faculty and Staff will have their temperature taken and they will respond to a series of questions regarding COVID-19. If the adult has a fever, or has answered YES to any of the questions, they will not be allowed to enter the building. It is suggested that parents/guardians take the temperatures of each of their children prior to them leaving the home. In addition, students will have their temperature taken prior to entering the building.
Our transportation department has created zones to assist in the busing of students to and from the school buildings. These zones are intended to transport students in Cohorts A, B, and C on the days they are scheduled to attend in person. The Transportation Department will follow safety protocols for the buses and will clean the bus after each run. Upon reaching the building, students will disembark/exit their bus and participate in the screening process prior to entering the building. The students’ temperature will be taken, and questions may be randomly asked regarding their personal health. If a student has a fever, they will be brought to a designated space where the nurse will be able to assess the situation and provide information to the parents, teachers, and administration regarding next steps. If there is a confirmed case of COVID-19, the nurse, administration and District Office will work with the Department of Health protocols and engage in contact tracing.
Social Distancing:
Social Distancing is expected throughout the day and whenever possible. Traffic patterns in the hallways will be labeled and explained. The seating areas for students within classrooms will be clearly marked and students will be expected to remain in their assigned areas.
Student learning schedules will be built for maximum impact for both In-Person and Remote instruction. Models of Instruction that will be utilized include Flipped Classroom and Station Rotation. These models used individually, and in combination, will assist the teachers in maximizing student learning by using synchronous (Live- in time) and asynchronous (individual work/ connect at a different time) interactions.
Student Attendance matters. Student attendance will be taken during In-Person (Face-to-Face) and Remote learning. Attendance will be documented in the student management system and reported to NYS Department of Education.
Childcare needs are being investigated and the district is working with local organizations to arrange childcare accommodations for district parents on remote learning days. This information will be communicated as soon as it becomes available.
Before/After-School Care:
Before and After School Care programming will not take place at the beginning of the school year. It will be re-evaluated once there is a better understanding of the NYS funding and progress with safety protocols.
Parents/Guardians will be asked to submit an enrollment form by Aug. 15 for each of their children indicating their choice for Blended or Remote Learning as well as if their child(ren) will be riding the school provided transportation or if they will be transporting their own children.
Phased Opening:
We will be phasing in the face-to-face instructional days in order to ensure that the Health and Safety protocols are operational. Our intent is to follow the following Phase-In schedule:
Monday, September 14th and Tuesday, September 15th:
Grade 3 Cohort A and ALL Cohort C
Thursday, September 17th and Friday, September 18th:
Grade 3 Cohort B and ALL Cohort C
Sept. 14th-Sept. 18th – Grades 4 and 5 will be FULL REMOTE
Monday, September 21st and Tuesday, September 22nd:
Grade 4 Cohort A, Grade 3 Cohort A, and ALL Cohort C
Thursday, September 24th and Friday September 25th:
Grade 4 Cohort B, Grade 3 Cohort B, and ALL Cohort C
Sept. 21st – Sept. 25th Grade 5 will be FULL REMOTE
Tuesday, September 29th:
Grade 5 Cohort A, Grade 4 Cohort A, Grade 3 Cohort A and ALL Cohort C
Thursday, October 1st and Friday October 2nd:
Grade 5 Cohort B, Grade 4 Cohort B, Grade 3 Cohort B and ALL Cohort C
Vision for Instructional Practice
Using the Station Rotation model of blended learning students experience teacher-led instruction, online web-based instruction, and collaborative learning. This allows for live interaction with the teacher/instructional staff and other students. The Station Rotation blended learning model also lays a foundation for tasks and technology use that will need to be conducted on remote learning days.
The Flipped Classroom model flips the traditional relationship between class time and homework. Students learn at home via online coursework and lectures, and teachers use class time for teacher-guided practice projects. This model enables teachers to use class time for more than delivering traditional lectures.
Hybrid- In-Person/Remote:
Students participating in the hybrid in-person/remote learning will attend the school building in-person on two (2) days per week and participate remotely three (3) days per week.
When participating remotely students will follow a daily agenda of activity provided via web-based learning platform Teams. Students will be given tasks/learning activity for specials scheduled on the remote days for that student. Specials will rotate within a 5-day block of days such that all specials take place equitably for students on “in-person” days.
When participating remotely, classes/students will be scheduled to have group (large or small) substantive interaction with an instructional staff member daily for approximately 10-20 minutes; additional time may be scheduled when there is a need. Socialization and core academic tasks (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) will be a focus during this time. Weekly socialization/community sessions will be held on Wednesdays that will include all remote and partially remote students. Additionally, academic support sessions of longer duration may be scheduled.
When “hybrid learning” students attend in-person they will experience instruction in accordance with the Station Rotation and Flipped model of blended learning. As described above, the Station Rotation and Flipped model incorporates teacher-led instruction, collaborative learning, and online/technology facilitated learning.
Full Remote Learning:
When participating remotely students will follow a daily agenda of activity provided via web-based learning platform Teams. Students will be given tasks/learning activity for specials scheduled on the remote days for that student. Specials will rotate within a 5-day block of days such that all specials take place equitably for students on “in-person” days.
Remote learning students will be scheduled to have group (large or small) substantive interaction with an instructional staff member daily for approximately 10-20 minutes; additional time may be scheduled when there is a need. Socialization and core academic tasks (ELA, Math, Science, Social Studies) will be a focus during this time. Weekly socialization/community sessions will be held on Wednesdays that will include all remote and partially remote students. Additionally, academic support sessions of longer duration may be scheduled. Recommended times for subjects: